Tuesday, April 11, 2006

It must be true. I read it on the internet. In virtual life, bloggers want to make magic believable, as if life could really be explained ;-)
In real life, I am reading Tom Stoppard’s biography and it is like reading about a magical life ... In Double Act by Ira Nadel, the biographer has succeeded in getting me hooked ... Born to the Jewish Dr Straussler and his wife in Czechoslovakia, the family escaped the Nazis by fleeing to Singapore, where his father was killed by the Japanese, while young Tom, his mother and brother sought safety in India. ... In his plays, Stoppard expresses a deep skepticism about history in general and biography in particular. Indeed, he often builds his dramatic conflicts as well as his cerebral humor on characters "getting it wrong"—they are hapless detectives who fail to get the facts or who completely misunderstand their meaning. The problematics of interpretation apply... No one like Stoppard for making you feel both spoilt and inadequate as an audience Ideas can be elegant; they can seduce, tease, or strike comic poses; they can rhyme and be set ringing at selected overtones

Being a blogger I have a certain affinity for all things tech, so it’s probably not surprising that I’d be attracted to no better places to blog for beginners 123 Blog ME

The Blog, The Press, The Media: Blogging Their Way Through Academe
Unfiltered. It should come as no surprise that young, tech-savvy graduate students with countless theories and opinions to share make model bloggers and that they're using the seemingly ubiquitous medium in ever growing numbers

When Stanford University medical student Graham Walker performed a breast exam for the first time, he didn't discuss the somewhat nerve-racking experience with professors, friends, or his three female classmates. Instead, the would-be doctor posted his feelings on his blog, "Over My Med Body!" at www.grahamazon.com, for all the world to see. The hilariously honest report, titled simply "Boobies," reads, in part:

Unfiltered [George Sanders suspects that, in forty years, he'll look back at the present level of sex and violence and go: Ha! Ho-ho! You called that sex and violence? ; Bad day for former Capitol Hill sex blogger Jessica Cutler, as a federal judge refused to dismiss the lawsuit against her by an ex-boyfriend who claims she humiliated him in her explicit online diary. For Washingtonienne, A Rendezvous at the Bar? ]
• · Au contraire, mon frere - Internet hoaxes 10 Best Internet Spoofs; The Play's the Thing: Games, Gamers and Gaming Cultures
• · · What will the future remember about you? Everything! Web Biographies ;
• · · · When washingtonpost.com's new conservative blogger was forced to resign recently after his past plagiarism caught up with him, the fallout was swift and brutal Online publishing and libel law ; Matt Welch used to think blogs would transform ideologues into nonpartisan truth-seekers. Farewell to Warblogging: Man was he wrong
• · · · · It didn’t take long after the release of Christian Science Monitor reporter Jill Carroll last week for the right-wing blogosphere to erupt in righteous fury over the “anti-American” comments she made while still in captivity, at gunpoint Think Again: Deconstructing the Attack on Jill Carroll ; I AM SURE that Jill Carroll and her family are too busy inhaling the sweet spring air of freedom to spend time sniffing out the pollution in the blogosphere Bloggers owe Carroll an apology
• · · · · · Europeans Rush to Get '.eu' Domain Names ; I AM HEREBY declaring the Information Age a complete bust. Hedgehog nation ; No country domain code is too obscure for wily marketing entrepreneurs