Monday, January 06, 2003

Politics Re Publicans

The reality of the Australian polity, like many representative democracies, is rule by oligarchy. Simply voting for a parliamentary representative every three years does not seem to give citizens a sense of control over government and its institution. In an era of rigid party discipline, the stacking of parties with obedient hacks and the growing presidential style of rule by prime ministers, we truly are subjects, as monarchy implies.
But the monarchy and the royal prerogative are a ruse behind which skulks an oligarchy - the rule of the many by the few. Most Australians did not want to give the oligarchy the power to choose the new president, but wanted to assume that power themselves.
· Oligarchy [On Line Opinion]

Politics Lawrence of Australia

Carmen Lawrence has proven her commitment to her party, and to the wider community she serves. This is what has moved her rank and file supporters to put pen to paper. As those Late Night Luvvies are no doubt murmuring into their bedtime cocoa - way groovy, Carmen.
· Groovy [On Line Opinion]

Law Interpreters Sex and High Court appointments

Merit slyly conveys the message that men of silk are men of merit - a proposition which, if true, would mean that there were many, many fewer than 300 men with silk in NSW, and many, many fewer than 700 Australia-wide.
· Must all Judges have been barristers? [On Line Opinion]

Parliament & Congress A very long committee assignment

Some people climb Everest; others strive to be world champion. Garrison Nelson, like my former boss Dr Russell Cope, plumbs the Sisyphean arcana of congressional and parliamentary committee assignments. A godsend for reference librarians and trivia hunters who realize that Congress's trench work is done in committee.
Diggers [Globe & Mail]