Monday, January 20, 2003


Skippy the bush kangaroo links to this well-writen piece about Bush's Texas National Guard service (actually, his non-service). As you study this table ask yourself why Bush's service record was never a major news story.

Irony & humiliation gets worse for Bush
Bush, in a funny way, seems to be a man of ideas. He doesn't have a lot of them himself, but hand him one and he'll run with it, undeterred by opposition, or by subsequent evidence and logic. He has the unreflective person's immunity from irony, that great killer of intellectual passion. Ask him to reconcile his line on Iraq with his line on North Korea and he just gets irritated. Tell him he can't be for tax simplification and offer a Rube Goldberg contraption like this at the same time and he'll say, 'Oh, yeah — just watch me.’
- Michael Kinsley
[Any quotes on, for, against, about, with irony in them are always appreciated by Media Dragon - email to
mediadragon77 (at)]