Wednesday, January 08, 2003

Community Relations Mufti: police acting like Rambos, politicians playing games

I believe our relationship is strong enough to overcome this simple thing ... we've got a very good relationship.
mufti , in Islamic law, attorney who writes his opinion (futwa) on legal subjects for private clients or to assist judges in deciding cases. The recorded opinions of the muftis are a valuable source of information for the actual working of Islamic law as opposed to the abstract formulation. Only in the fields of marriage, divorce, and inheritance are the futwas binding precedents; on other subjects they might be set aside. In the Ottoman Empire the muftis were state officials, and the mufti of Constantinople was the highest of these. The British, who retained the institution in some Muslim areas under their control, gave to the office of Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem, great political importance.
· Relationship [The Australian]
· Perceptions [SMH]