Sunday, January 05, 2025

Nobel Laureate Maria Ressa On Democracy's 'Death By A Thousand Cuts' And How To Fight Back

Nobel Laureate Maria Ressa On Democracy's 'Death By A Thousand Cuts' And How To Fight Back


People are suffering because our politicians, economists and media are failing us

The media offer a contrasting view of life this morning. The New York Times has a story about homelessness in the USA reaching record highs. It
Read the full article…

Moon – Bartosz Ciechanowski- “In the vastness of empty space surrounding Earth, the Moon is our closest celestial neighbor. Its face, periodically filled with light and devoured by darkness, has an ever-changing, but dependable presence in our skies. In this article, we’ll learn about the Moon and its path around our planet, but to experience that journey first-hand, we have to enter the cosmos itself. 

Let’s take a look at the Moon as seen from space in all its sunlit glory. You can drag it around to change your point of view, and you can also use the slider to control the date and time…”

Network Of Time is an idea proposed on this website: the largest network of people who appear together in photos that currently exist which can be connected through peoples’ recurring appearances in different photos.  This website, currently in a beta stage, represents the beginnings of a visualization of the Network. Match any two people on the front page and you will see how they have “met” through a series of (sometimes nonlinear in time) meetings or chance appearances, in the fewest number of photos possible based on our database.  While the idea that all people have no more than six degrees of separation has been widely studied, this website is the first (public) project to visualize the effect exclusively through evidence of actual meetings in physical space and not other documentation of associations. If you have ever appeared in a photo with anyone who has appeared as an option on the lists on the front page of this site, or with anyone who has appeared in a photo with anyone as an option on these lists to X degrees – you are on the Network. (You probably still do not appear on the representation shown here, but you can submit photos to join!)”

– Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, December 21, 2024 – Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, finance, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex and wide ranging ways technology is used to compromise and diminish our privacy and online security, often without our situational awareness.

 Four highlights from this week: The Breachies 2024: The Worst, Weirdest, Most Impactful Data Breaches of the Year; Lawmakers tell Apple, Google to prepare for TikTok ban; CISA lays out how agencies, industry should respond to major cyber incidents; and Warning: A New Scam Targets Consumers with Unsolicited Gifts and Malicious QR Codes.