Monday, January 06, 2025

Havel and other Stories - Dispatch Editions


Elie Wiesel warned us that there may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest. Maria’s legacy will be felt for generations—because she never failed to protest, to try to bend the arc of history toward justice.


And when young Filipino students study history, they will find that the first Filipino person ever to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize was a courageous journalist determined to tell the truth. I hope that, for the sake of future generations, they will be inspired by her example.

"Havel behind bars" (he spent his longest time in prison as a dissident under the Czech Communist Regime from 1979 to 1984); 

An unplanned stop at Ruzyni Prison, where Vaclav Havel had been imprisoned. Prague, 17 March 1990. Photography: Tomki Němec.

The Literary Jimmy Carter

Publishing 32 books over the course of his life, he wasn’t simply prolific, as far as former presidents go. His output also displayed an extraordinary range that included historical fiction, poetry and meditations on the meaning of faith and the splendor of nature. There was even a coffee-table book on woodworking. - The New...