Friday, January 10, 2025

62 Fascinating Facts of 2024

Nobody gets angrier than a narcissist being accused of something they actually did.

WaPo Op-Ed: Living For The Unremarkable Moments

52 more things Kent Hendricks learned in 2024

Indian Americans own about half of all motels in the United States. Of them, 70% have the last name Patel.


In the 1990s, then-leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-ll, and current leader Kim Jong-Un got fake Brazilian passports and went to Disneyland in Tokyo (probably).


Waymo self-driving taxis generate 88% fewer property damage claims and 92% fewer bodily injury claims than human drivers. After driving 25.3 million miles, Waymo Driver had nine property damage claims and two injury claims, compared to 78 property damage claims and 26 injury claims from humans who drive an equivalent number of miles.

Here are 49 more, not all confirmed in the Andrew Gelman 

Burn …Mom & I Cover Creep By Radiohead (she is a classical Indian singer

62 Fascinating Facts of 2024

The New York Times:  Each day, Times Insider editors scour the newspaper for the most interesting facts to appear in articles. This year, tidbits about grudge-holding crows, the first-ever first kiss and George Washington’s dentures enlightened, informed and entertained us…
21. In the United States, more than 60 percent of the work force lives paycheck to paycheck. The average American is in five- to six-figure debt and often has only cursory knowledge of how they got there…”

 77 Facts That Blew Our Minds in 2024Atlantic – Gift Article: “Over the past year, the writers on The Atlantic’s Science, Technology, and Health desk have investigated academic fraud, tracked infectious-disease outbreaks, studied the evolution of artificial intelligence, and chronicled extreme weatherevents. We’ve reported on the quirks of animal behavior and the latest in psychedelics research

Along the way, we stumbled across facts that surprised, sobered, and humbled us, and we wanted to share them with you. We hope they blow your mind too..[snipped]

  • Your body carries literal pieces of your mom—and maybe your grandmother, siblings, aunts, and uncles
  • In July, a cybersecurity company accidentally introduced a single software bug that canceled or delayed tens of thousands of flights and trains, halted surgeries, and blacked out television broadcasts around the world.
  • Elephants and parrots use namelike callsthat identify them as individuals. Whales and bats might too.
  • BRCA mutations, famously linked to breast cancer, can also lead to cancer in the pancreas and prostate.
  • The 10,000-steps-a-day goal doesn’t originate from clinical science. Instead, it comes from a 1965 marketing campaignby a Japanese company that was selling pedometers.