Monday, March 06, 2023

New Options for Member Alerts

European multicultural Leith and Karena invaded Sydney for few days and brought with them rather hot ๐Ÿ”ฅ tropical ๐Ÿ weather Sydney reached 36 degrees yesterday …

Maria Konnikova, who wrote a whole book about con artists, on What Psychology Can Teach Us About George Santos. "Telling lies about yourself can actually make you feel more confident."

ABA – vast majority of criminal cases end in plea bargains  NPR: “In any given year, 98% of criminal cases in the federal courts end with a plea bargain — a practice that prizes efficiency over fairness and innocence, according to a new report from the American Bar Association

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Silvergate’s Worsening Crypto Losses Feed Watchdogs’ Worst Fears Bloomberg

New Options for Member Alerts

In Custodia Legis – February 2023 New, Tip, and Top: “Congress.govuses an iterative design process to get new features and enhancements to you quickly. 

With the January release Robert shared that member remarks are now included with sponsored and cosponsored legislation on member profile pages. With today’s release, we build on that by adding an option to customize what you want to receive in your member alert. 

Previously, you could get an alert on a member that would send an email every time a member sponsored and cosponsored new legislation. Now you have the option to include the member remarks in the Congressional Record in your email alerts. You can choose any or all of the three options to be included. The February enhancements include the following:

Enhancement – Member Alerts – Member Remarks

  • When setting up a new alert from a Member Profile page, you can choose to receive an email when new Member Remarks in the Congressional Record have been added to
  • Go to your alerts page to add this option to existing Member alerts by using the Edit Alert link…”