SELLING US THE ROPE TO HANG US WITH: TWICE! China May Have Double-Billed U.S. For Wuhan Lab Projects.

Four Corners has once again highlighted that Lobbyists are most prolific in Canberra. Lobby firms infest Barton and Kingston. It is easy walking distance to Parliament House, the National Press Club and the major departments. A real LobbyLand with the Minerals Council of Australia, the Australian Medical Association, Lockheed Martin, the Australian Pharmacy Guild, the Business Council of Australia and many more.
In an episode aired last night entitled ‘High Stakes: Exposing the political games of one of Australia’s most powerful lobby groups’ on ABC Four Corners, a senior NSW Liberal Party minister, Victor Dominello, spoke out about the orchestrated campaign to remove him by the powerful Australian gambling lobby. Comparing ClubsNSW to the United States gun lobby, the NRA, the minister called for an investigation into the sector’s influence over government.