Friday, April 01, 2022

Tipping Point: Fooling of Days of 1st of April

 “If you want your children to be intelligent,” Einstein is said to have said, “read them fairy tales. If you want them to be very intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”

Wonder, Hungry Wolves, and the Whimsy of Resilience: Arthur Rackham’s Haunting 1920 Illustrations for Irish Fairy Tales

You have got to be kidding me: April Fools’ gags

Sydney faces 100km/h winds and damaging surf as beachfront homes put on alert

Russian hackers targeted NATO, eastern European militaries - Google

Ukrainian president’s address to federal parliament came after Scott Morrison called Vladimir Putin a ‘war criminal’ in strongest condemnation yet

‘Tipping point’: NSW Coalition defeated on floor of Parliament

Adrian Vermeule: The old Right is “short on fresh ideas but very long on donors, dollars, second-tier publications, and institutional control” Old  Right  

The SA senator who replaced Nick Xenophon – and is now running against him to retain his seat – has launched an extraordinary attack on his former boss, using parliamentary privilege to slam the lawyer for representing Chinese tech giant Huawei and likening it to doing PR for German arms manufacturers under the Nazi regime.

Huawei: The Chinese tech giant Trump couldn’t kill Axios I don’t think that was his intent, but he was at best naive about the fact that even if he gave Western firms the opportunity to gain ground, Huawei was too well entrenched for much of that to happen. 

The Importance Of Skepticism For Democracy

The sceptical way of life, on Sextus’ presentation, follows a certain rhythm. You feel puzzlement about something. You search for knowledge about it. You arrive at two equally weighty considerations about what is happening. You let go trying to find an answer. - Aeon

The Vietnamese Secret Agent Who Spied for Three Different Countries

Known by the alias Lai Tek, the enigmatic communist swore allegiance first to France, then Britain and finally Japan