Saturday, April 16, 2022

The Australian Ballet’s Kunstkamer

Inside the Campaign Against “Putin’s Pope” A close Kremlin ally, the Patriarch of Moscow has blessed the Ukraine invasion. Fellow religious leaders are going after him.

Kunstkamer (Dutch for 'art cabinet') draws inspiration from an 18th-century tome, The Cabinet of Natural Curiosities, written by pharmacist, zoologist and collector Albertus Seba.

Kunstkamer (Dutch for 'art cabinet')

The Australian Ballet’s Kunstkamer

Meet the 1,300 librarians racing to back up Ukraine’s digital archives - Washington Post: “Buildings, bridges, and monuments aren’t the only cultural landmarks vulnerable to war.

FASTER, PLEASE:  An immune cell ‘fingerprint’ reveals path for better treatment of autoimmune diseases.

Google Blog: “How many times have you tried to find the perfect piece of clothing, a tutorial to recreate nail art or even instructions on how to take care of a plant someone gifted you — but you didn’t have all the words to describe what you were looking for? At Google, we’re always dreaming up new ways to help you uncover the information you’re looking for — no matter how tricky it might be to express what you need. 

That’s why today, we’re introducing an entirely new way to search: using text and images at the same time. With multisearch in Lens, you can go beyond the search box and ask questions about what you see. Let’s take a look at how you can use multisearch to help with your visual needs, including style and home decor questions. To get started, simply open up the Google app on Android or iOS, tap the Lens camera icon and either search one of your screenshots or snap a photo of the world around you, like the stylish wallpaper pattern at your local coffee shop. Then, swipe up and tap the “+ Add to your search” button to add text…” The antithesis of key word searching – now search is image based – using photos you take to replace creating a query.

Mushrooms Have Their Own Language With Up to 50 “Words” My Modern Met 

Psilocybin for depression could help brain break out of a rut, scientists say Guardian 

How the Battle Over a Pesticide Led to Scientific Skepticism Wired 

Scepticism is a way of life that allows democracy to flourish Aeon