We must mistrust utopias: they usually end in holocausts.— Mario Vargas Llosa, born in 1936
Born behind the Iron Curtain, Zuzana Palovic’s family fled the communist regime as political refugees, before becoming naturalized citizens in Canada.
To be risk ready
- Anonymous launched a new cyberattack against Russia
- The hacktivist collective hacked the emails of Russian construction company Rostproekt
- Anonymous also launched a new website where all of its upcoming leaks will be dumped
Anonymous Starts 'Huge' Data Dump That Will 'Blow Russia Away,' Leaks Rostproekt Emails
‘Testosterone-Fueled Bear Pit’ Discourages Women From Economics Bloomberg
Fifty years later, is Montana’s ‘Right To Know’ working? Montana Free Press

Why this economic war on Russia breaks all rules of the game Responsible Statecraft. A must-read.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to address Australian parliament
BlackRock’s Fink says Ukraine war marks end of globalisation FT
Putin and Xi Exposed the Great Illusion of Capitalism Bloomberg
Overextending and Unbalancing Russia RAND Corporation. From 2019, still germane
Imperialism and the Weaponization of EmpathyBlack Agenda Report
Where Russia has been sanctioned Axios
Russian Gas Exports to Europe: In the Eye of the Storm Valdai Discussion Club
Foreigners banned from selling Russian stocks as market set for limited reopening Reuters
Putin’s oligarchs have an escape route: UAE, Israel and South Korea The New Arab
Exclusive: Sources Say Oligarch Funded Scheme to Paint Swastikas in Ukraine Rolling Stone. Paragraph one: “sources.” Two: “multiple sources,” Three: “multiple sources, including U.S. intelligence reporting.” Oh, come on.
Wearing shoes in the house is just plain gross. The verdict from scientists who study indoor contaminants The Conversation
US formally accuses Russian forces of committing war crimes in Ukraine ABC. Somebody wants a long war. I wonder who?
Military briefing: the make-or-break fight for the Donbas FT. Coverage of the “cauldrons” breaks through to the mainstream, albeit framed as a change in strategy.
Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, March 24 Institute for the Study of War. New map of Mariupol.
Chechen Leader Says Hoisted Russia Flag At City Hall In Ukraine’s Mariupol Agence France Presse. Flags on buildings are digital evidence I will accept (given acceptable provenance, which the Chechen leader’s Telegram account is not).
Ukraine war latest: Ukrainian forces reoccupy towns near Kyiv, says UK defence ministry FT. They would, wouldn’t they?
‘Marshal Mud’ will slow not stop Russia’s onslaught Asia Times. Would explain why Russian troops are digging in, too.
Legion of the damned: Inside Ukraine’s army of misfits, veterans, and war tourists in the fight against Russia Task and Purpose
Weapons for Ukraine’s Fight Against Russia Flow Through Small Polish Border Towns WSJ
Economic Warfare: A Brief History Stokes Family Office
UPDATE 2-US, EU strike LNG deal as Europe seeks to cut Russian gas Reuters. See NC here
Only a Financial NATO Can Win the Economic War Foreign Policy
Concern Turkey becoming Russia sanctions evasion haven ‘growing in Europe’ Intellinews
Media watch: when parallel lines converge, stand clear! Glibert Doctorow. Important
Ukraine war: US, Nato prepare for Russian nuclear incident South China Morning Post
* Pentagon Drops Truth Bombs to Stave Off War With Russia Consortium News
The west is rash to assume the world is on its side over Ukraine Edward Luce, FT
Finis Europa The American Conservative