QUOTE OF THE DAY AT SAMIZDATA*: People who clutch at Mr Putin are like a drowning man – clutching at a poisonous snake.
– Paul Marks
Sixteen Days in Ukraine New York Magazine. “For our new issue, we asked 30 young Ukrainians born after the country’s independence to document the start of the Russian invasion, in words and photos.” Maybe we did the same thing for 30 essential workers back in 2021? I forget.
Putin Plays the Victim Card
And in the process, he reveals a huge hypocrisy in his case for war on Ukraine
Publishing in ... Ukraine
Obviously the priority at the moment is dealing with and repelling the illegitimate invaders, but in The BooksellerEmma Shercliff also looks at Publishing in Ukraine: a personal response, which includes a link to the relatively recent British Council report on Publishing in Ukraine: a review of the sector
Clearly, a lot of rebuilding will be necessary after Putin's marauders have been dealt with and sent packing, but one certainly looks forward to a revitalized and restored publishing industry emerging from all this
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg warns President Vladimir Putin’s military advances have an ‘eery similarity’ to Hitler’s prior to WWII
The federal Treasurer has issued a worrying commentary on Russia's military advances saying if Ukraine falls "there could be other countries in their sights down the track".
John Helmer: “Zelensky Himself Is Now in Polish Hands;” March 15 Summit with Polish, Czech, and Slovenian Prime Ministers in Przemysl Poland, Not Kiev
It appears Urkainian President Zelensky was not in Kiev on March 15 as widely reported, but in Poland….and presumably still is there.
NOW THEY TELL US: Statins lower cholesterol, but not necessarily heart attack risk, study finds.
Plus: “The study suggests that the assumption of the ‘lower the better’ in terms of LDL cholesterol is not supported by the findings.”
REPORT: Fox News Says Cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski Was Killed In Ukraine.
Ukraine, Russia, and philosophy — philosopher Michelle Panchuk (Murray State), who has lived in Ukraine and has family there, is interviewed by J. Aaron Simmons (Furman) on the conflict and its lessons
If we’re going to be honest with ourselves, morally sensitive, and thoughtful about our feelings, the best result may be “a stable, if uncomfortable, emotional equipoise” — Erich Hatala Matthes (Wellesley) on the complex emotions of engaging with the work of immoral artists

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