Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (via Dr Cope who did PHD in German on Goethe)
The British Society of Authors has announced their awards-shortlists, including for the: "inaugural Queen's Knickers Award".
The Society of Authors' Awards includes prizes for authors under 35 (the Betty Trask Prize and Awards), over 40 (the McKitterick Prize), and over 60 (the Paul Torday Memorial Prize).
Vaccine News You Can Use. This sounds very promising, but it’s also early. Heiner Mรผller was a poet, playwright, and Stasi informant. The messiness of his life speaks to the complexity of postwar Germany
German author Rolf Hochhuth has passed away; he is best know for his plays -- above all The Deputy; see, for example Elizabeth Grenier explaining at Deutsche Welle Why the 1963 Holocaust play 'The Deputy' was so explosive.
Science & Tech Spotlight: Social Distancing During Pandemics – GAO-20-545SP:
Published: May 13, 2020. Publicly Released: May 13, 2020. “How far is far enough for successful social distancing? We take a look at some of the still-developing science behind the practice. A CDC guideline based on historical studies of selected infections says that the area of highest risk is within 3 feet of an infected person.
Some studies suggest a buffer of 6 feet may further reduce risk. Other studies examining droplet dispersion in sneezing and coughing found they can go more than 6 feet. Also, viral material may persist in the air within a room for up to 3 hours. But many factors, including the amount of viral material and duration of exposure needed to transmit the disease, are still unknown. The distance droplets carry infectious materials depends on droplet size, humidity, air currents, and other factors…
CRS Reports – COVID-19 and China: A Chronology of Events (December 2019-January 2020), May 12, 2020: I”n Congress, multiple bills and resolutions have been introduced related to China’s handling of a novel coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China,that expanded to become the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) global pandemic. This report provides a timeline of key developments in the early weeks of the pandemic, based on available public reporting. It also considers issues raised by the timeline, including the timeliness of China’s information sharing with the World Health Organization (WHO), gaps in early information China shared with the world, and episodes in which Chinese authorities sought to discipline those who publicly shared information about aspects of the epidemic. Prior to January 20, 2020—the day Chinese authorities acknowledged person-to-person transmission of the novel coronavirus—the public record provides little indication that China’s top leaders saw containment of the epidemic as a high priority.Thereafter, however, Chinese authorities appear to have taken aggressive measures to contain the virus…”

U.S. Secret Service: “Massive Fraud” Against State Unemployment Insurance Programs Krebs on Security
On August 24, 1953, Sylvia Plath, one of the most celebrated poets of the 20th Century, overdosed on pills but survived. She drove her car off the road into a river on June 1962 but survived again.
On February 11, 1963, a nurse who helped Plath take care of her children, could not get into the flat and upon eventual entry found her dead of carbon monoxide poisoning.
CRS Reports – COVID-19 and China: A Chronology of Events (December 2019-January 2020), May 12, 2020: I”n Congress, multiple bills and resolutions have been introduced related to China’s handling of a novel coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China,that expanded to become the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) global pandemic. This report provides a timeline of key developments in the early weeks of the pandemic, based on available public reporting. It also considers issues raised by the timeline, including the timeliness of China’s information sharing with the World Health Organization (WHO), gaps in early information China shared with the world, and episodes in which Chinese authorities sought to discipline those who publicly shared information about aspects of the epidemic. Prior to January 20, 2020—the day Chinese authorities acknowledged person-to-person transmission of the novel coronavirus—the public record provides little indication that China’s top leaders saw containment of the epidemic as a high priority.Thereafter, however, Chinese authorities appear to have taken aggressive measures to contain the virus…”