“Fortune 500 – Call it the ultimate business scorecard. This marks the 66th edition of our ranking of America’s largest companies. The 500 that made this year’s list represent two-thirds of the U.S. economy, with $14.2 trillion in revenue. Explore the list for a full breakdown of who’s up, who’s down, and why.”
Roberta F. Mann (Oregon), Fiona Martin (New South Wales) & Bill Butcher (New South Wales), Saving the Planet by Cutting Corporate Taxes: A Comparative Case Study Analysis, 23 Fla. Tax Rev. 238 (2019):
Theodore Seto (Loyola-L.A.), How Should We Think About Wealth Tax Avoidance? (JOTWELL) (reviewing Lily Batchelder (NYU), Leveling the Playing Field between Inherited Income and Income from Work Through an Inheritance Tax (reviewed by Mirit Eyal-Cohen (Alabama) here) in Tackling The Tax Code 48 (Jay Shambaugh & Ryan Nunn eds. 2020)):
Washington Post op-ed: Local Governments Need More Revenue. Try Progressive Property Taxes., by Andrew Hayashi (Virginia) & Ariel Jurow Kleiman (San Diego):
Local governments are cash-strapped. Even if Congress agrees to give them financial support, it probably won’t be enough. Localities must raise revenue using the fiscal tools available to them — but without overburdening struggling households. The answer is a progressive property tax. The tax could feature rates that increase with property values, income-based tax relief or deferral of payment. Many states provide such deferrals to senior citizens and the disabled, and this could be extended to those eligible for unemployment benefits.
Dutch spies helped Britain's GCHQ break Argentine crypto during Falklands War
Five Eyes-style Euro intel alliance Maximator tipped UK off about Crypto AG machines
Marry, kill or have sex? Traders rated women co-workers, suit alleges
Male traders and portfolio managers at a New York hedge fund openly ranked women on a 1-10 scale, classifying them according to what men would like to do to with them, a former junior associate claims in a lawsuit.
Peter Dronke obituary | Books | The Guardian. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)
Though his health declined after Ursula’s death in 2012, he produced unstoppably: a new edition of the Roman 6th-century philosopher Boethiusand a trailblazing in-depth introduction and commentary to the radical ninth-century theologian John Scotus Eriugena (the name means Irish-born). His Periphyseon (On the Natures of the Universe, five volumes, 2012-17) openly dismisses scriptural literalism: it was “too simple-minded, thinking that paradise was some place on earth, that the trees were earthly and the fountains physically perceivable. True Reason laughs at this.”
Cryptomining hacks aren’t new by any stretch, but a string of recent incidents is raising eyebrows. ZDNetreports that culprits infected multiple European supercomputers with Monero mining malware in the past week, including the University of Edinburgh’s ARCHER, five of bwHPC’s computer clusters and most recently a cluster at Munich’s Ludwig-Maximilians University. That’s unusual by itself, but there appears to be a common thread between the hacks.
Cado Security has determined that the attacks were conducted using compromised SSH (secure shell) logins from universities in Canada, China and Poland, using similar malware file names, the same vulnerability and shared technical indicators. That suggests they might be the work of the same bad actor. In the case of ARCHER, the attacks appear to have come from Chinese IP addresses.
Supercomputers across Europe have fallen to cryptomining hacks
At Sydney uni's privilege factories the 'mostly migrant' workers clean up rich kids' mess
Supercomputers across Europe have fallen to cryptomining hacks
At Sydney uni's privilege factories the 'mostly migrant' workers clean up rich kids' mess