Friday, December 27, 2019

The body, a guide: Baby, It’s Hot in Freedom from Speech inside China

Margaret Atwood Bears Witness

Over the course of her writing career, she has explored the power and limits of personal testimony in times of crisis

By now, pretty much everyone has noticed — or should have noticed — how much influence China holds over many international corporations. What Will Happen If a GM Employee Criticizes China?

First they came to get the South China Sea, Taiwan and Hong Kong

Clive Hamilton, professor of public ethics at Charles Sturt University in Canberra, claimed that the issue echoed moves in 2017 by Springer Nature and Cambridge University Press to appease China by removing politically sensitive articles from their Chinese websites.

“Here’s another example of Beijing asserting its claims through international scientific journals,” said Professor Hamilton, a high-profile critic of Chinese foreign policy.

“A very big, economically powerful authoritarian power [is] engaged in a political struggle over territory, and wants the international scientific community to in effect endorse its claim by publishing maps that have no validity under international law.”
Economic blackmail': Zara, Qantas, Marriott and Delta change Taiwan references after China anger

A true leftish man and guy, Clive Hamilton, was on ABC radio 702 talking to gay father Josh Szeps  about freedom of speech and the use of language and how we are trying to protect the content of a speech  ... Clive referred to useful idiots at universities and workplaces:
Clive Hamilton has slammed left-wing activists on Australian university campuses as "useful idiots" of the Chinese Communist Party, after a Greens student group belatedly reversed its opposition to a protest against the Confucius Institute's impact on academic freedom.

 Right to free speech should allow people to make mistake.

As a person from the political left, when I decided to write a book about Chinese Communist Party interference in Australia, I found myself experiencing this cognitive dissonance. As I researched and wrote the book, Silent Invasion, my worldview underwent an upheaval.

Add Speech-to-Text to Any Website With This Extension - LifeHacker – “If you’ve ever been using a website and wished it had a voice input, now you can add one yourself. Voice In is a Chrome extension that adds speech-to-text to most any website. That means you can do things like respond to Slack messages or send emails using your voice rather than typing all the words out. It’s not entirely hands-free. You will have to select a “Start Recording” function on a text box before you’ll be able to start having your voice transcribed, but once you do it will work almost anywhere…

  Dana Gioia on the late Scott Timberg: a bitter symbol for those who have been marginalized by our “creative culture.” | The Book Haven.

Scott’s suicide was a tragic act. He was so greatly loved and so conspicuously talented. No one can truly know what despair or temporary madness motivated it. But his death makes at least one thing obvious to any attentive observer. There is something wrong with our culture when Los Angeles, which now has more artists than any other city in North America, including New York, cannot provide a living wage for such a hard-working and gifted critic.

Opinion: It is better to be born rich than smart

The ATAR didn't measure my academic ability and dedication. It measured how well I coped with poverty and abuse, writes Tara Schultz.

Keith Carter: Fifty Years - Digital Photo Pro

The Economist has an article Who are the biggest bullshitters? It’s paywalled, but non-subscribers can see its summary chart and read enough to get its gist. Thanks to Harry Frankfurt who wrote On bullshit, “bullshit” is in the philosophers’ lexicon, “bullshitters” being “individuals who claim knowledge or expertise in an area where they actually have little experience or skill”.  The full academic paper can be downloaded from the IZA Institute of Labor economics.
Out of the eight Anglophone countries studied Scots are least likely to bullshit, while Canadians and Americans are most likely to cover their lack of knowledge with fabrications, and we Australians are just behind those North Americans. (Does the Scots’ low bullshit rating in comparison with England help explain why they didn’t vote for Johnson?)  Boys are far more likely to bullshit than girls (is anyone surprised?) and the rich are more prone to bullshit to cover their ignorance than the poor. The tentative explanation lies not in deliberate lying, but in the probability that blaggers over-estimate their own knowledge.


The body, a guide: Adult touch their faces 16 times an hour. Humans can make up to 10,000 facial expressions. Tears come in three varieties Body 

The Ten Top-Selling Books Of The 2010s

Science fiction does, occasionally, offer scientific truth. But the best works tend to get everything wrong Fiction Random

For Nabokov, true writers must never be socially or politically embroiled, lest they devolve into that loathed creature — the journalist nabbing 

Toni Morrison never asked for a proverbial seat at the literary table. She just pulled the entire table over to her side of the room Turning Tables 

Episode 354 – Peter Kuper – The Virtual Memories Show.

“Heart of Darkness deserves to be canonical because it addresses through art what it means to be civilized and what it means to be savage, and touches on things happening now in our world: the madness of power.”