Linda at Charlie & Frank
Federal Workforce: Talent Management Strategies to Help Agencies Better Compete in a Tight Labor Market. GAO-19-723T: Published: Sep 25, 2019. Publicly Released: Sep 25, 2019. “Technology, demographics, and attitudes toward work are evolving. But federal government employment policies were designed generations ago. As a result, the government may struggle to compete for talented workers—which is one reason why federal human capital management is on our High Risk list. We testified on talent management strategies. For example, agencies can:
Federal Workforce: Talent Management Strategies to Help Agencies Better Compete in a Tight Labor Market. GAO-19-723T: Published: Sep 25, 2019. Publicly Released: Sep 25, 2019. “Technology, demographics, and attitudes toward work are evolving. But federal government employment policies were designed generations ago. As a result, the government may struggle to compete for talented workers—which is one reason why federal human capital management is on our High Risk list. We testified on talent management strategies. For example, agencies can:
- Assess skills gaps to ensure they’re getting and keeping the people with the skills they need
- Acquire talent through internships
- Use existing work-life balance incentives such as flexible scheduling
- Engage employees by involving them in decisions and developing them…

The future of privacy starts in California
Axios – “A landmark privacy law in California, which kicks in Jan. 1, will give Golden State residents the right to find out what a company knows about them and get it deleted — and to stop the company from selling it. Why it matters: It could effectively become a national privacy law, since companies that are racing to comply with it may give these privileges to non-Californians, too. The California Consumer Privacy Actwill apply to companies with at least $25 million in revenue, personal information on at least 50,000 people, or earning at least half their money by selling consumers’ personal information.