Local government officials and cultural leaders are increasingly embracing creative placemaking as a tool to strengthen communities. In urban and rural places across the country, ... read more
Find inspiration, skill, craftsmanship, rare and forgotten trades, lost arts and traditions at the Lost Trades Fair. Over 1000 combined years of ex. Born at Kyneton via MT and Lu

5 Apr 2019 · Master artisans and traditional tradesmen and women with hundreds of combined years of training will demonstrate and share their skills and talent for heritage trades at Lost Trades Fair in Queensland.
The Lost Trades Fair was born on the principle that people are fascinated when artisans and craftspeople openly demonstrate their skills and share their knowledge. The Lost Trades Fair is an opportunity to meet real makers - learn how things are made, see, hear, touch and experience craftsmanship, skill, artistry and talk with the makers themselves about what they do. It is a Fair like no other, it is about the masters of their trades, what they make, it is a weekend not to be missed.

The Lost Trades artisans collective leave their workshops and gather each year to celebrate what they do with like-minded artisans and professional craftspeople. These incredibly skilled career makers come together to demonstrate their trades and share their knowledge. The first Lost Trades Fair was held in 2014 to showcase traditional, rare and unusual arts and trades and actively promotes the artisans who practise these skills. The Fair is now a recognised event on the international calendar and is now held each year in Victoria, Queensland and NSW. The event was created for traditional makers and tradespeople who are working (or have worked) at their traditional trade as their career. .
Why we established the Lost Trades Fair
The Fair celebrates the art of skilled manual work and ancient and traditional trades and crafts, their special tools, traditions, languages and secrets which are now threatened by mass produced products in our modern society. Our aim is to unite people that still have these skills and reignite the significance that these trades and crafts have in todays environment, setting them on a steady path for the future, before they are lost to history.
Why 'Lost' - because these skills have been unable to find a clearly defined path in these commercially driven times; our hope is that that we can showcase and promote these trades and develop a new path for the incredibly skilled and passionate people that continue to practise these trades. The Fair provides a platform for all rare, unusual and traditional trades and builds a connection between the people that practise them with those that would love to learn and have found it hard to find these skills in Australia.
Lost Trades Australia has been founded to act as a guardian to these trades; we hope that by uniting traditional crafters specialising in field and workshop crafts that we can inspire the next generation to embrace these skills and develop an interest or even a career a traditional trade.
Lost Trade Fair. NSW - Hawkesbury. SAT 5th + SUN 6th October 2019. Hawkesbury Showgrounds, Clarendon NSW. Tickets in sale NOW - link at top of page or button below . Book tickets via trybooking.com. Adult Entry: ...

This large showground hosts everything from woodchopping to competitive barbecuing in its multiple pavilions, racecourse, grandstand and outdoor facilities. It'
... the Fair is one of discovery; finding what was lost and introducing you to the talented makers in this country that are pursuing careers in lost arts, rare trades and forgotten crafts. Keeping theses skills alive is what the fair ...
Featuring both local and interstate craft experts, the show is packed full of the latest craft supplies, kits and equipment. CraftAlive is a hands-on event. A chance to learn from world class specialists with interactive classes on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
The Octopus: An Alien Among Us Literary Hub
Spiders Can Fly Hundreds of Miles Using Electricity The Atlantic. From 2018, but so amazing I have to run it.
Boy, Uninterrupted
Ben Lerner, portraitist of talkative men, explores the roots of white male rage.
Woman Caught On Camera In Bronx Zoo Lion Exhibit
Fried Beer Atlas Obscura
The Marshall Project – “Most federal prisons have a designated area for inmates to pursue legal work: a legal library/typing room. Though we are in the 21st century and digital tech is everywhere, the Bureau of Prisons, or BOP, is dead set, come hell or high water, on keeping legal libraries/typing rooms firmly lodged in its halcyon days of glory: the 1980s, when Congress, in its infinite wisdom, created mass incarceration. Yes, there are computers. But they run on simplistic, primitive systems that may have been the cat’s meow 16 years ago, but are in desperate need of an upgrade. But the most striking anachronism in the legal library is the electric typewriter, a true icon and state-of-the-art staple of the 1980s. It’s always fun to watch the faces of criminal justice students touring the prison, wide-eyed and fearful. We are the wild beasts in the zoo that they’ve been told about and here we are in our natural habitat, here in the legal library fighting our cases on typewriters. They’re probably thinking, Good Lord! How do you edit? How do you copy/paste? How do you spell-check?…”