Big Tech, big problems FT
ABC NewsDonald Trump has insulted the physical appearance of adult film actress Stormy Daniels, calling her 'horseface'.
How criminals used Canada's casinos to launder millions
Trump calls Stormy Daniels 'horseface' in tweet storm

David Cay Johnston, We Need Tax Police – And They Should Go After the Likes of Donald Trump:
When the New York Times exposed decades of tax cheating and “outright fraud” by the sitting president, it prompted people to ask important questions about the corrupt practices of the Trump family. The answers are central to the future of America.
Where was the Internal Revenue Service? How did the Trumps get away with decades of schemes the Times said allowed them to evade close to a half-billion dollars of income and gift taxes? Is Donald Trump continuing these practices? Is that why he refuses to make his own tax returns public? Can anything be done about it?
I’m in a unique position to answer those questions. I am the Times’ former tax reporter, the journalist who has covered Trump longer than anyone else, more than 30 years. ...
Congress, which makes tax law, has never properly supported the IRS, which I like calling the Tax Police Department.
Wall Street Journal, You’re Not the Only One Who’s Not Paying Your ‘Nanny Tax’:
A number of prominent Americans have been caught neglecting to pay taxes on their child-care help. They’re not alone.
research provides evidence of the massive underpayment of “Nanny Taxes”
owed by employers and workers on the wages paid to household help such
as child- and elder-care providers, maids and drivers.
to economist Brian Erard, only 5% of 3.6 million American households
that should be filing forms and paying federal taxes related to
household help are doing so [Who is Minding the Nanny Tax?]. ...
Maryse Conde Wins The ‘Alt-Nobel’ Prize For Literature
The Guadaloupean writer, author of I, Tituba: Black Witch of Salem and other books, won The New Academy Prize in Literature, “a new prize established by a group of over 100 Swedish cultural figures as a substitute for this year’s Nobel in Literature, which was not awarded for the first time since 1949 because of a sexual misconduct scandal.”
- Bloomberg, Exxon Puts $1 Million Into Quest for Carbon Tax and Rebate
- Bloomberg, Juicy Real Estate Tax Break Suffers Big Blow After IRS Proposal
- Bloomberg, Samsung Family's $4 Billion Tax Strategy Dragged Into Spotlight
- Bloomberg, Tax Change Aside, Companies Stick With Executive Performance Pay
- Bloomberg, Trump Tax Law Saved These Bonds, But IRS Sees Issuance Dwindling
- Fiscal Times, The Trump Tax Cuts Still Aren't Popular
- Gallup, More Still Disapprove Than Approve of 2017 Tax Cuts
- Huffington Post, Catholic Nuns Bash GOP Tax Law On Nationwide Bus Tour
- ITEP, Race, Wealth and Taxes: How the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Supercharges the Racial Wealth Divide
- Tax Foundation, Ranking Individual Income Taxes on the 2019 State Business Tax Climate Index
- TaxVox, Bill Nordhaus, The Nobel Prize, And Carbon Taxes
- Vox, The Case for a Carbon Tax
- Wall Street Journal, Dog Bites Men and Trump Ducks Taxes
- Wall Street Journal, A GOP Tax-Law Writer Faces Skeptics in His Minnesota District