Anne Lamott on Love, Despair, and Our Capacity for Change
“We can change. People say we can’t, but we do when the stakes or the pain is high enough. And when we do, life can change. It offers more of itself when we agree to give up our busyness.”
What Makes A Great Stage Actor?

"Though critics and audiences might often agree when naming their top performers, it can be difficult to define what characterises the very best actors. Leading theatre figures tell Lyn Gardner what it takes to reach the top and how today's leading lights compare to past greats." … [Read More]
Apple CEO Tim Cook: Our Personal Data Is Being Weaponized Against Us

Referring to the misuse of "deeply personal" data, he said it was being "weaponised against us with military efficiency. We shouldn't sugar-coat the consequences," he added. "This is surveillance." The strongly-worded speech presented a striking defence of user privacy rights from a tech firm's chief executive. … Read More
Woman Rustles Candy During Mahler Performance, Fight Ensues
As Andris Nelsons, an eminent Latvian conductor, coaxed the quiet notes from the string section of the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra, a woman in the balcony rustled a bag of gum, the Sydsvenskan newspaper reported. A young man sitting next to her glared a few times and then lost his patience. He snatched the bag from her and threw it onto the floor.
Intact 2,400-Year-Old Shipwreck, World’s Oldest, Found In Black Sea

"The 75-foot-long ship ... appears similar to merchant vessels depicted on ancient Greek vases. A small piece of the wreck was raised and radiocarbon dated to around the fifth century B.C., a time when Greek city-states were frequently trading between the Mediterranean and their colonies along the Black Sea coast." … [Read More]
The Bomb scares and the politics of the apocalypse - Washington Post – Dan Balz: “America is a country on edge. Days ahead of crucial midterm elections, the talk is not of better days or a brighter future. Instead, the climate is one of fear, of threat and of division, of caravans from Central America and angry mobs. And now, of explosive devices sent to two former Democratic presidents and others. The devices sent to the home of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and her husband, former president Bill Clinton, to former president Barack Obama, to CNN and to others may be the act of a lone individual, perhaps someone isolated and unbalanced. What is known is that all of the packages were sent to critics of President Trump, or people criticized by the president. But no one knows at this point the political leanings, if any, and motivations of the person who sent them. Teams of law enforcement officials will seek to answer those questions.
Looking for challenging work? The public sector still has it
JOBWATCH: In lieu of a ‘movers & shakers’ column this week, we decided to look at what new public sector job opportunities are being created, and what they have to say about this supposed capability drain.
What’s the point of the public service?
REVISIT: Martin Stewart-Weeks argues that the APS needs a new ‘theory of the business’ that more effectively explains and validates the role and purpose of a public service for the digital age
One year on for Ardern’s coalition government
NEW ZEALAND: It has been quite the year for Jacinda Ardern, having firmly established herself as the government’s most valuable political asset
The Bomb scares and the politics of the apocalypse - Washington Post – Dan Balz: “America is a country on edge. Days ahead of crucial midterm elections, the talk is not of better days or a brighter future. Instead, the climate is one of fear, of threat and of division, of caravans from Central America and angry mobs. And now, of explosive devices sent to two former Democratic presidents and others. The devices sent to the home of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and her husband, former president Bill Clinton, to former president Barack Obama, to CNN and to others may be the act of a lone individual, perhaps someone isolated and unbalanced. What is known is that all of the packages were sent to critics of President Trump, or people criticized by the president. But no one knows at this point the political leanings, if any, and motivations of the person who sent them. Teams of law enforcement officials will seek to answer those questions.
Looking for challenging work? The public sector still has it
JOBWATCH: In lieu of a ‘movers & shakers’ column this week, we decided to look at what new public sector job opportunities are being created, and what they have to say about this supposed capability drain.
What’s the point of the public service?
REVISIT: Martin Stewart-Weeks argues that the APS needs a new ‘theory of the business’ that more effectively explains and validates the role and purpose of a public service for the digital age
One year on for Ardern’s coalition government
NEW ZEALAND: It has been quite the year for Jacinda Ardern, having firmly established herself as the government’s most valuable political asset