“There are four basic human needs; food, sleep, sex and revenge.”
None of us can control how we’re remembered, though we may try to live in ways that minimize the dancing on our graves. Yet a special place should be made for those who are memorialized not for how they lived, but how they died. Those singular victims of war, accident, or crime may become famous, even important. But their daily voices, their quirks and smiles, their plain ambitions and ordinary loves risk being overwhelmed by the drama of their end. Celebrated so publicly, the private person we also mean to mourn might disappear Do You Recall Jozef Imrich?
Stone used as a doorstep for the last 30 years is meteorite worth $ 100K Vajuu
Alan Jones, the pyjamas and the ponies
FHI reports that 90% of PhDs that have ever lived are alive right now.
None of us can control how we’re remembered, though we may try to live in ways that minimize the dancing on our graves. Yet a special place should be made for those who are memorialized not for how they lived, but how they died. Those singular victims of war, accident, or crime may become famous, even important. But their daily voices, their quirks and smiles, their plain ambitions and ordinary loves risk being overwhelmed by the drama of their end. Celebrated so publicly, the private person we also mean to mourn might disappear Do You Recall Jozef Imrich?

Cold River: The Cold Truth of Freedom: Jozef Imrich
Doorstopper, indeed. I was surprised at the review placed on this site saying that Cold River was nothing more than a doorstopper.
Alan Jones, the pyjamas and the ponies
What Happens When Writing Fiction Hurts The People The Writer Loves Best?
Too Much Information In The World? That’s Why We Need Novels
"Too much information creates numbness. Then we stop feeling. Then we stop caring. Refugees become mere numbers, anyone who is different becomes a category, an abstraction. It is not a coincidence that all populist movements are essentially against plurality, against diversity. In creating dualistic frameworks and polarising society, they know they can spread numbness faster. The novel matters because it punches little holes in the wall of indifference that surrounds us. Novels have to swim against the tide. And this was never more clear than it is today." … Read More
Why Germans will be left behind in Artificial Intelligence Handelsblatt. Seems ordinary Germans have sensible attitudes and habits: “They pay with cash, fear self-driving cars, and think data sharing (even when anonymized) is one step away from Stasi methods. “
Why Germans will be left behind in Artificial Intelligence Handelsblatt. Seems ordinary Germans have sensible attitudes and habits: “They pay with cash, fear self-driving cars, and think data sharing (even when anonymized) is one step away from Stasi methods. “
A Jack Kerouac Bot? AI Program Produces Novel About Its Own Cross-Country Road Trip
Hyperallergic: A Banksy artwork “self-destructed” at a Friday night Sotheby’s auction in London.
“Girl with a Balloon” (2006) was the final lot of the evening sale at Sotheby’s and ended things off with an impressive final price of £953,829…
Robert Casterline of Casterline Goodman gallery was in attendance and told Hyperallergic what happened next. He explained there was “complete confusion” and an “alarm inside the frame started going off as the gavel went down.”
“[It] sold for over a million dollars and as we sat there…the painting started moving,” he said, and added that the painting’s frame, also made by Banksy, acted as a shredder and started to cut the canvas into strips. “[It was] all out confusion then complete excitement,” he explained.
Anny Shaw of the Art Newspaper spoke to Alex Branczik, the auction house’s head of contemporary art for Europe, who seemed as surprised as anyone.
Banksy is a genius.
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