~ Via SMS from Ironic Banksky
In late September, the veteran reporter Carl Bernstein said on CNN: “… we are in a cold civil war in this country. These two events, both the Mueller investigation and the Kavanaugh nomination, are almost the Gettysburg and Antietam, the absolute central battles of this cold civil war.”
Are We in a 'Cold Civil War'?

FBI’s smoking gun: Redactions protected political embarrassment, not ‘national security’ The Hill
Anti-corruption blogger who exposed Malta's Panama Papers link ...

FBI’s smoking gun: Redactions protected political embarrassment, not ‘national security’ The Hill
Anti-corruption blogger who exposed Malta's Panama Papers link ...
Killer of blogger released after just two years in jail
Deep Bloggers are are also sharing other odd stories tonight
Rattled: China’s Hardware Hack Rayne, emptywheel
Hackers expose frailty of robots Financial Times
Deep Bloggers are are also sharing other odd stories tonight
Rattled: China’s Hardware Hack Rayne, emptywheel
Hackers expose frailty of robots Financial Times
Rare white tiger kills zookeper in Japan BBC
Are dark kitchens the satanic mills of our era? Guardian
FCW.com: GAO hacks DOD weapons systems, calls out weak cyber
Are dark kitchens the satanic mills of our era? Guardian
FCW.com: GAO hacks DOD weapons systems, calls out weak cyber
Weapon Systems Cybersecurity: DOD Just Beginning to Grapple with Scale of Vulnerabilities. GAO-19-128: Published: Oct 9, 2018. Publicly Released: Oct 9, 2018. “DOD’s weapons are more computerized and networked than ever before, so it’s no surprise that there are more opportunities for attacks. Yet until relatively recently, DOD did not make weapon cybersecurity a priority. Over the past few years, DOD has taken steps towards improvement, like updating policies and increasing testing. Federal information security—another term for cybersecurity—has been on our list of High Risk issues since 1997. Today’s weapon systems are heavily computerized, which opens more attack opportunities for adversaries (represented below in a fictitious weapon system for classification reasons).”