This was lost in translation - Delicious Lucy ...
This reminds me of the old saying that if you want something strange done, ask a creative Slav to do it: People Who Have “Too Many Interests” Are More Likely To Be Successful According To Research
No one was as good at slavic puns as my cousin Andrej and my godfather Janko. Down Under the Irish tend to nail the puns like no other ... Jim Whild and Greg Job would struggle next to MO'N or BC ... Slavic, Irish who steal puns from Jewish beatitudes tend to make the world go round especially during lunch time walks ...
Pity the poor pun. Reviled for its smirking stupidity, its ubiquity in advertising and talk-show banter, the wordplay deserves better Bhadu of puns
What makes a Jewish joke Jewish? The punchline is freighted with grief and irony, meant to elicit a weary nod rather than outright laughter Shmultsy punchy lines
Words worth more than money for Melbourne street poet
Why moaning about work can actually be good for you
The research is in: having a whinge with your colleagues can make everyone’s day a bit better
Following up on previous post, Conservative Law Prof Heckled by CUNY Protestors: Michael Simkovic (USC), A Well-Organized Campaign to Bait, Discredit, and Take Over Universities Is Exploiting Students and Manipulating the Public
A long look at the life of Jeff Bezos—carpet-bagger meets mover-shaker—in Washington, D.C.
↩︎ Washingtonian
When mandarins join the big end of town
VERONA BURGESS: You’re leaving a senior position in the Australian Public Service and covet a plush seat in the elite company directors’ club. Be careful what you wish for.
They came knocking because of loose talk about the President's hair. On February 3, 2017, Donald Trump's longtime bodyguard, a Trump Organisation lawyer and a third man allegedly pushed into the Park Avenue offices of Harold Bornstein
The spy who came home
"Why an expert in counterterrorism became a beat cop." (The New Yorker)
Does Commonwealth Bank's massive data loss put you at risk?
The Meanest Things Vladimir Nabokov Said About Other Writers
“In interviews, he seemed to delight in airing his grievances about other writers’ work, especially when he considered them unfairly beloved by the public. Reading his complaints half a century later, I have to say, I delight in them too. At a time when the literary world seems determined to swear that every book is Good because it is a Book, Nabokov’s outspoken anti-book opinions feel almost ecstatically transgressive.”
Persephone ate youand went to hell.
My grandmother
walked with you under her blouse—
her two daughters
hobbling with her.
Every day one seed
for each of them.
Whatever death road
they walked down
you were seed-apple,
garnet, cochineal,
spiritus ovum—
spiraling hawk-dive
of the soul—
red-leather skin
for hard times.
Sometimes she looked upat the moon and saw you

The other Paris in Luc Sante’s The Other Paris (2015) is that of the criminals, flaneurs, ragpickers, prostitutes, anarchists, saloon singers, and weirdos. But it is something much more specific, a history that re-creates the Paris in Sante’s head, which comes into existence sometime after Napoleon, is under constant threat by Haussmann and other urban renewers, and is finally destroyed in the 1960s by Andre Malraux. The book, to my surprise and delight, spends half its time in the 19th century.
Sante’s book is a history, and his Paris is real but it is constructed out of books, out of literature, out of Baudelaire and Eugène Sue’s The Mysteries of Paris (1842-43) and super-criminal Eugène François Vidocq’s Memoirs (1828). Les Halles, the giant food market, last seen at Wuthering Expectations in Zola's The Belly of Paris, is Sante’s great symbol of this other Paris, or at least it’s destruction, “replaced by a hellish subterranean shopping mall that is nowadays topped by that urbanist cure-all, anespace vert,” symbolizes the end of the subject of his book (10). Sante builds his Paris out of images, too, with one or two on every page, magazine illustrations, sheet music, and numerous postcards, street scenes from circa 1910.
The craze for suburban tree house bistros, based on Swiss Family Robinson. Gangs –les apaches – whose members tattooed lines on their throats to guide the guillotine. The saga of the anarchist Bonnot Gang (“It was the world’s first getaway car”). Look at this list of occupations, documented by the flaneur Privat d’Anglemont, who may not be completely accurate, but still:
Sante’s book is a history, and his Paris is real but it is constructed out of books, out of literature, out of Baudelaire and Eugène Sue’s The Mysteries of Paris (1842-43) and super-criminal Eugène François Vidocq’s Memoirs (1828). Les Halles, the giant food market, last seen at Wuthering Expectations in Zola's The Belly of Paris, is Sante’s great symbol of this other Paris, or at least it’s destruction, “replaced by a hellish subterranean shopping mall that is nowadays topped by that urbanist cure-all, anespace vert,” symbolizes the end of the subject of his book (10). Sante builds his Paris out of images, too, with one or two on every page, magazine illustrations, sheet music, and numerous postcards, street scenes from circa 1910.
The craze for suburban tree house bistros, based on Swiss Family Robinson. Gangs –les apaches – whose members tattooed lines on their throats to guide the guillotine. The saga of the anarchist Bonnot Gang (“It was the world’s first getaway car”). Look at this list of occupations, documented by the flaneur Privat d’Anglemont, who may not be completely accurate, but still:
Madame Thibaudeau swept jewelers’ shops for no pay so that she could recuperate gold dust. Madame Vanard, widow of a perfumer, was a zesteuse: she picked up lemon rinds from the stalls of lemonadiers and sold the zest to the makers of Curacao, syrups, and essences. Old Monsieur Beaufils bought nightingales, canaries, and finches and, after educating them in song for six to eight weeks, resold them for four times what he paid. (99)
Then come stories about a man who kept a fifty-two goat dairy on the sixth floor of his apartment building, and the woman who farmed ants, selling the eggs to pharmacies and the zoo (“for pheasant chow”).
And those are just the ordinary occupations. Prostitution gets its own chapter (“The Business”), as do professional criminals and singers. Edith Piaf, as far as this book is concerned, is the professionalized end of a long, sordid, wild tradition. “It was certainly not her fault that when she died, Paris was on the verge of becoming the trade name ‘Paris’”
Saved by "but"
Berryville, Virginia
Kristeva, Julia Kristeva
Rebel Prince
On Sean Penn's novel
Hirst v. aboriginal artists
No shame in growing old
And those are just the ordinary occupations. Prostitution gets its own chapter (“The Business”), as do professional criminals and singers. Edith Piaf, as far as this book is concerned, is the professionalized end of a long, sordid, wild tradition. “It was certainly not her fault that when she died, Paris was on the verge of becoming the trade name ‘Paris’”
Saved by "but"
Berryville, Virginia
Kristeva, Julia Kristeva
Rebel Prince
On Sean Penn's novel
Hirst v. aboriginal artists
No shame in growing old
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