Big Brother Goes Digital via at latitude ;-) NYRB
Right war, wrong weapons
New York - the Latitude of Stories
How historically accurate is The Big Short? | Film | The Guardian
I read an excellent article in the Wall Street Journal this week entitled “How Jeffrey Immelt’s ‘Success Theater’ Masked the Rot at GE.”
In it, authors Thomas Gryta, Joann Lublin, and David Benoit describe
how the Immelt and his top leaders, “projected an optimism about GE’s
business and its future that didn’t always match the reality of its
operations or its markets.”
was fascinated by the article because it described the kind of
pervasive good news culture that I have seen in some of my client
organizations. Is ‘Success Theater’ Masking Rot in Your Organization?
We’re so proud to have been awarded gold employer status for our LGBTI inclusion at this year’s #AWEI2018 awards. Congratulations to all winners! 🎉www.prideinclusionprogr… #InclusionAwards2018…
We’re so proud to have been awarded gold employer status for our LGBTI inclusion at this year’s #AWEI2018 awards. Congratulations to all winners! 🎉www.prideinclusionprogr… #InclusionAwards2018…
EFF – Victory For The First Amendment..Lawsuit Against President Trump Brought by Twitter Users He Blocked
“President Donald Trump’s blocking of people on Twitter because they criticize him violates the First Amendment, a federal judge in New York ruled today in a resounding victory for freedom of speech and the public’s right to communicate opposing political views directly to elected officials and government agencies. The ruling comes in a lawsuit filed by the Knight First Amendment Institute alleging the president and his communications team violated the First Amendment by blocking seven people from the @realDonaldTrump Twitter account because they criticized the president or his policies. The seven individuals include a university professor, a surgeon, a comedy writer, a community organizer, an author, a legal analyst, and a police officer.
Woman says her Amazon device recorded private conversation, sent it out to random contact Kiro7
You know that silly fear about Alexa recording everything and leaking it online? It just happened The Register My sister-in-law has from the get-go refused to go to any home with an Alexa in it.

Boris Johnson duped by pranksters pretending to be Armenian PM Politico
Kids At Every Income Level Were Asked To Show Their Favorite Toys, And The Result Will Make You Think Bored Panda
Planned Parenthood Is Asking Donald Trump’s Labor Board For Help Busting Its Colorado Union Intercept (UserFriendly)
The Demographicsof Wealth 2018 Series St. Louis Fed
Food: a class issue Stumbling and Mumbling (UserFriendly)
Socialism vs. Capitalism, among young people (18-34):— African-Americans (+10 socialism);
— Asians (+3 socialism);
— Latinx (+3 socialism);
— Whites (+8 capitalism)— Jeff Stein (@JStein_WaPo) May 22, 2018
Public service review can spur much-needed modernisation
Peter Shergold: "The government's review can help transform the Australian Public Service to reinvigorate its traditional virtues in a manner suited to the 2020s." (AFR)
Greenwald: Intel Uses Media To Report Informant’s Life In Danger, Turns Out They Are Just Covering ThemselvesRealClearPoliticsThe Cold War Culture War American AffairsRussia, America, and the Biases Within Us Gordon HahnVelvet Revolution in Armenia: Russia Stays on the SidelinesPolitical Violence at a GlanceIn Ukraine, the US Trains an Army in the West to Fight in the East Defense One. What could go wrong?

Princeton Dialogues of AI and Ethics: Launching case studies Freedom to Tinker. “This [assessment] is essential in order to identify the positive opportunities presented by AI and unleash these technologies’ capabilities in
the most socially advantageous way possible while being mindful of potential harms.” Lol no.Artificial intelligence takes jobs from Chinese web censorsFT. Code is law….
Firming Up Inequality Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (UserFriendly).
Quantum Physics May Be Even Spookier Than You Think Scientific American (original).
Defending Digital Democracy Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. I’ve urged that the test for intellectual honesty on election security is treating hand-marked paper ballots, hand-counted in public, as a real option. Oddly, or not, this project, fronted by Robby Mook and Matt Rhoades (campaign managers for Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney) fails that test. (Note that “DIgital Democracy,” though catchy, is also question-begging; as one of Benteley’s programming proverbs has it: “The cheapest, fastest, and most reliable components of a computer system are those that aren’t there.” In this case, the best way to ensure “digital democracy” is to remove the digital part.) Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. I’ve urged that the test for intellectual honesty on election security is treating hand-marked paper ballots, hand-counted in public, as a real option. Oddly, or not, this project, fronted by Robby Mook and Matt Rhoades (campaign managers for Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney) fails that test. (Note that “DIgital Democracy,” though catchy, is also question-begging; as one of Benteley’s programming proverbs has it: “The cheapest, fastest, and most reliable components of a computer system are those that aren’t there.” In this case, the best way to ensure “digital democracy” is to remove the digital part.)
Guide to handle complaints and aggressive customers
Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass introduces a new best-practice guide for dealing with what is politely termed “challenging behaviour” from citizens.