#LuxLeaks verdict: hope for whistleblowers as Antoine Deltour is acquitted
The banking royal commission has exposed senior management, boards and regulators to unprecedented scrutiny — and the problems don’t end with the finance sector, writes Michael Gill.

Economic Predictions with Big Data: The Illusion of Sparsity Liberty Street
How Africa’s Elites Hide Billions Offshore International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
Asia-Pacific: “The urgent need to curb Illicit Financial Flows” Global Alliance for Tax Justice
See also: For Asia’s Sustainable Development, Regional Governments Must Take Taxation Seriously The Diplomat
Illegal movement of money out of Africa including tax avoidance now amounts to $100b a year Ghana Business News
Call to stem illicit money flows from Africa IT-Online
Seattle OKs taxing companies like Amazon to aid the homeless WPXI
Apple to fight EU Irish tax case without U.S. support role Bloomberg
Australian Tax Office overhauls fraud and evasion procedures Australian Financial Review
French court upholds ex-budget minister’s tax fraud conviction The Guardian
‘Jérôme Cahuzac led crackdown on tax avoidance while hiding his own wealth in tax havens’
UK law firm accused of failings over Azerbaijan leader’s daughters’ offshore assets The Guardian
U.S. on Course to Land on European Tax Blacklist: EU Official Bloomberg BNA
DRC’s finalisation of mining rules, a leaf Zambia could pick in its quest to stabilise mining taxes Zambia Business Times
UK Organized Crime is Becoming more Global and Dangerous to Citizens OCCRP
Slovak Police Investigate Journalists, not Murderers OCCRP
Mafia, drugs and aristocrats: Inside the global ‘dirty money’ bank NZ Herald
Paradise Papers: University of Tennessee invests in Cayman Islands funds, lobbied for secrecy law Commercial Appeal