Black economy crackdown targets cleaners - SBS
Clamping down on tax evasion
Targeting key areas of the black economy
7 February 2018
Via The Minister for Revenue and Financial Services, the Hon Kelly O'Dwyer MP
[Nancy Levit (Missouri-Kansas City), co-author of The Happy Lawyer: Making a Good Life in the Law (Oxford University Press 2010) and The Good Lawyer: Seeking Quality in the Practice of Law (Oxford University Press 2014)] shares tips on how to find the work you want to do and how to find joy in the work you’re already doing.
One way to adjust your mindset at work is to look at who you’re spending time with, she says. Are you hanging out with colleagues who have positive outlooks, or with the workplace worrywarts and complainers?
The companion paper to this (Capital Taxation in an Age of Inequality, 90 S. Cal. L. Rev. 593 (2017)) argues that a moderate flat-rate (proportional) income tax on capital imposed and collected annually has attractive theoretical and political economy properties that can be harnessed in actual tax instrument design. This paper continues the analysis by specifying in detail how such a tax might be designed.
This paper examine s whether corporate political connections are associated with government awarded subsidies, and how this relation impacts subsidy effectiveness in spurring future economic growth beyond the firm. Subsidies relate to foregone government revenues through tax credits/abatements and to government resource transfers through grants and cost reimbursement programs. Using novel datasets to identify state-awarded corporate subsidies and corporate contributions to state political candidates, we find robust evidence that political contributions increase both the likelihood a company is awarded a state subsidy and the dollar value of subsidy awarded.
Ellen Aprill (Loyola-L.A.) & Daniel Hemel (Chicago), The Tax Legislative Process: A Byrd's Eye View, 81 Law & Contemp. Probs. ___ (2018):
The Byrd rule, a once-obscure Senate procedural provision, captured the spotlight in December 2017 when it briefly derailed an effort by congressional Republicans to enact the most sweeping tax overhaul in a generation. And while the Byrd rule did not prevent the ultimate passage of the new tax law, it profoundly influenced both the substance and the form of the final legislation. The immediate aftermath of the 2017 tax overhaul thus provides an opportune moment to take stock of the Byrd rule’s role in the making of federal tax law. This essay—part of a symposium issue of Law and Contemporary Problems on “The Past, Present, and Future of the Tax Legislative Process”—considers the myriad ways in which the Byrd rule has influenced federal tax law and policy in the three dozen years since the rule’s emergence.
Tax lawyers at the Texas law firm Jackson Walker (including 2016 Pepperdine graduateBrady Cox) have produced a fantastic 233-page PowerPoint presentation, 2018 Tax Reform: What You Need to Know Now. The presentation summarizes the entire TCJA in a single interactive page that allows users to click on relevant portions and go to the detailed slides on that topic:
- Carillion could be the spur to radically reform company law. Here's what's at stake(5 Feb 2018)
- UK Offshore tax abuse crackdown brings in only a third of expected £1bn (5 Feb 2018)
- Bernie Ecclestone 'questioned under caution by HMRC'(5 Feb 2018)
- Restructuring helps Liberty Media reduce tax bill for Formula One (5 Feb 2018)
- Tax relief has become a gigantic welfare state for the well-off (5 Feb 2018)
- BlackRock wants to contribute to society. Why not tackle secret money?(5 Feb 2018)
- Lloyds Bank bans customers from buying bitcoins using credit cards (5 Feb 2018)
- Financial Transaction Tax: New tax on securities accounts adopted by Belgian federal parliament (5 Feb 2018)
- Financial Transaction Tax: Belgian tax on securities accounts: Draft law adopted (5 Feb 2018)
- Americans abroad hit by Trump's new repatriation tax rules (5 Feb 2018)
- Wealth inequality was behind Brexit vote (5 Feb 2018)
Russian oligarchs in UK told to explain luxury lifestyles (5 Feb 2018) - Tax and Domicile: After China, India saw most super-rich citizens leaving the country in 2017(5 Feb 2018)
- How Canada's corporate elite can use their wealth to benefit society (5 Feb 2018)
- South Africa fines China Construction Bank over weak laundering controls (5 Feb 2018)
- UK banking watchdog defends anti-money-laundering oversight (5 Feb 2018)
- HMRC now 'taxes first and asks questions later' forcing taxpayers to apply for refunds(5 Feb 2018)
It can be hard to keep track of Obama-era targeting of the political opposition by federal administrative agencies. But this week brings fresh hope that such abuses will not be repeated.
The Journal reports:
President Donald Trump will nominate Charles Rettig, a California tax lawyer, to run the Internal Revenue Service, a person familiar with the matter said Monday.
If confirmed by the Senate, Mr. Rettig will take one of the most thankless jobs in Washington.
President Donald Trump will nominate Charles Rettig, a California tax lawyer, to run the Internal Revenue Service, a person familiar with the matter said Monday.
If confirmed by the Senate, Mr. Rettig will take one of the most thankless jobs in Washington.
Chad M. Oldfather (Marquette), The Scholar's Dilemma, 101 Marq. L. Rev. ___ (2018):
This essay pursues questions relating to scholarly motivation. What motivates the production of scholarship, and what ought to motivate it? Is it appropriate for a scholar to seek a reputation for its own sake, or for the associated invitations, recognitions, and lateral offers a reputation might produce? Or should the scholar be more like the (stereotypical) artist, seeking to pursue her conception of truth regardless of whether the world rewards her vision?