"When was the last time you did something for the first time?" sings the country star in his bold new single
For The First Time via Rolling Stones and BC
Via CM Top 10 tax developments 2017
How I almost became a Chinese spy – reflections on China's Age of
by Angus Grigg
The offer to become a Chinese spy was made over a lunch of Sichuan fish, spicy tofu and stir-fried green beans. It was September 2013 and the trade was to be a simple one – money in exchange for information.
I had been in China for 17 months at that point and, like most foreign correspondents, was frustrated by the Communist Party's vice-like grip on information in a political system that had changed little since the days of Mao Zedong.
But on that autumn day in Shanghai's former French Concession, there was the possibility of a breakthrough.
My would-be handlers, who worked for a security consultancy affiliated with the Chinese government, had at least shown a willingness to talk. They had even passed on a couple of worthwhile tips over coffee during our previous meetings.
Facebook ads targeting younger workers discriminate against older workers, lawsuit alleges USA Today. One essential commonality between Uber, Amazon, AirBnB, and Facebook: Lawbreaking is foundational to their business models, and they have impunity for it. (In Amazon’s case, its early rise was fueled by allowing customers to avoid state and local sales taxes). Of course, their word for lawbreaking is “disruption.”
Another Cold (War) River North Korean soldier defects to South, officials say
There's A New Peak Body For Australian Esports
The Leaders Who Create The Future (“When Is The Last Time You Did Something For The First Time?)
How I almost became a Chinese spy – reflections on China's Age of
by Angus Grigg
The offer to become a Chinese spy was made over a lunch of Sichuan fish, spicy tofu and stir-fried green beans. It was September 2013 and the trade was to be a simple one – money in exchange for information.
I had been in China for 17 months at that point and, like most foreign correspondents, was frustrated by the Communist Party's vice-like grip on information in a political system that had changed little since the days of Mao Zedong.
But on that autumn day in Shanghai's former French Concession, there was the possibility of a breakthrough.
My would-be handlers, who worked for a security consultancy affiliated with the Chinese government, had at least shown a willingness to talk. They had even passed on a couple of worthwhile tips over coffee during our previous meetings.
Another Cold (War) River North Korean soldier defects to South, officials say
There's A New Peak Body For Australian Esports

One of the great satisfactions of being a leader is that you get to be a teacher, sharing the wisdom you’ve acquired over the course of a career with young colleagues hungry for time-tested advice. But when it comes to inventing the future, the most effective leaders are the most insatiable learners. Creative leaders are always asking themselves, “Am I learning as fast as the world is changing?” … [Read More]
NZ's biggest tech company jumps ditch to Sydney after 3000% rise
Surveillance law slip-up in sight for staff stalkingcitizens on socials
UK councils warned of thin
line between overt and covert snooping