— Vance Packard, who died on this date in 1996
Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program
WE ARE used to dealing with political crises, but not a break in the rule of Law
Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program
A former US military intelligence official who led a government program to research potential UFOs believes there is secrecy surrounding the program and there is ...
Sydney lawyers under fire for 'eye-watering' $860,000 fees in family ...
- India is buying Sri Lanka’s second-largest airport, despite it only handling a dozen passengers a day.
- China recently took control of a nearby port that opens up significant trade routes, and India is worried about China’s growing role in the Indian Ocean.
- Experts say the $300 million investment by India is an attempt to limit China’s ability to operate its port as a naval site.
India is buying world's emptiest airport in its battle for territorial dominance with China - , via the excellent Samir Varma. India/China remains one of the world’s big stories…
Switzerland is Prepared for Civilizational Collapse ...
More than any other country, Switzerland’s ethos is centered around preparing for civilizational collapse.
The Swiss political system is also decentralized. If the central government fails, the Swiss might not even notice. The mountains and valleys also mean that Swiss towns and villages are geographically independent yet linked in a spider-web of robust connections.

The Swiss have been tunneling the Alps for hundreds of years creating innumerable secret hideaways for people and stores.
As a further example of how ridiculously well prepared the Swiss are for any and all threats, there are things like hidden hydroelectric dams built inside of unmarked mountains so that in the event of mass bombings, they’ll still have electricity from these secret facilities. And, remember, these are the things the Swiss government has let us know about. It is thought that there are probably more fortifications and hidden goodies scattered about the country’s landscape. (ital. added, AT)
Cluster Munitions: Background and Issues for Congress, Congressional Research Service
This is reminiscent of the rise of the shadow banking system in the early 2000s as lightly regulated credit vehicles sprung up alongside traditional bank lending. This time it involves what Dan Awrey and Kristin van Zwieten of Oxford university call the shadow payment system: electronic payments settled by banks are expanding and so are the alternatives.
Bitcoins and Shadow economy
The Shadow Payment System
43 Journal of Corporation Law, Forthcoming
Oxford Legal Studies Research Paper No. 55/2016https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2843772
NEC Advanced Recognition Systems.
People, Places, Patterns. Smart solutions that represent the new frontier of security creating social value for people, communities, and organisations.
THE scale is staggering, even by the standards of scandal-worn South Africa. Steinhoff, a retailer that is one of the country’s best-known companies, admitted to “accounting irregularities” on December 6th when it was due to publish year-end financial statements. Its chief executive, Markus Jooste, resigned, and the firm announced an internal investigation by PwC. Within days Steinhoff had lost €10.7bn ($12.7bn) in market value as its share price fell by more than 80% (see chart). Much is unclear, but it is shaping up to be the biggest corporate scandal that South Africa has ever seen. The company has said it is reviewing the “validity and recoverability” of €6bn in non-South African assets.
Steinhoff traces its roots to West Germany, where it found a niche sourcing cheap furniture from the communist-ruled east. The company merged with a South African firm in 1998 and is based in Stellenbosch, near Cape Town—An accounting scandal sends Steinhoff plummeting
'Enough is enough': Why Sir Frank Lowy walked away from Westfield
Westfield-Unibail: The inside story on how Frank Lowy did the deal ...
Bank Levy: Labour
demands Chancellor ends huge giveaway to banks while families struggle
(18 Dec 2017)
administration's final tax plan branded a 'moral obscenity' by
Democrats as corporate America gains
(18 Dec 2017)