Petition calls on NSW government to scrap $2 billion stadium rebuild ...
The Sydney Morning Herald by Peter F, Andrew T's cousin ...
The petition, which was posted on on Saturday evening, has struck a chord with more than 100,000 signatures added by Monday night.
So the online petition against the Sydney stadium spend has now been signed by more people than the proposed new Olympic Stadium could hold. #NSWpol…
Peter FitzSimons petitions to stop Sydney stadium rebuild
ABC: Berejiklian's decision to rebuild Sydney stadiums for $2 billion ...
The petition, which was posted on on Saturday evening, has struck a chord with more than 100,000 signatures added by Monday night.
So the online petition against the Sydney stadium spend has now been signed by more people than the proposed new Olympic Stadium could hold. #NSWpol…
Sporting News
Japan’s Tight Labor Market Generates Deflation…
Puzzling over Japan’s super low unemployment with continued deflation.
Puzzling over Japan’s super low unemployment with continued deflation.
Pittsburgh’s Water System Is Why We Shouldn’t Run America Like a Business Nation (furzy)
Only in Suburbia. Bob recommends the comments too:
Today in Questions People Ask Extension Agents: "Is there a way to neuter a walnut tree so it stops producing nuts?"
— Peter "Yes, like the drink" Coffey (@petercoffey)November 28, 2017
Michael Wernstedt lives in the future, in the center of Stockholm. It is a “co-living space,” a former hotel now inhabited by fifty people who share five kitchens and a variety of common spaces on four floors; each tenant also has a bedroom with a private bathroom. All of it is breathtakingly well-designed and meticulously clean. While Wernstedt and I talked, sitting on one of several giant gray couches in one of the common spaces, about a dozen people of different genders and skin colors (though all roughly in their mid-thirties) shared a casual meal in another. During a recent house meeting, Wernstedt told me, someone asked those present to recall the happiest time of their lives—and they all said that they were happiest right now. Wernstedt’s vision for the future of Sweden, and democratic politics in general, resembles this house: it is happy, healthy, sustainable, and co-created. The Invention of a New Kind of Political Party in Sweden
Three senior security managers resign as Uber breach fallout continues
Today in Questions People Ask Extension Agents: "Is there a way to neuter a walnut tree so it stops producing nuts?"
— Peter "Yes, like the drink" Coffey (@petercoffey)November 28, 2017
Will Uber Ever Stop The Bleeding? Bloomberg. More than a year after Hubert Horan’s series, is Uber’s top reporter finally coming around?
Uber legal chief warns staff not to spy on rivals Financial Times
The 92-Year-Old Woman Who Is Still Shaking Up Wall Street Wall Street Journal
Class Warfare
How the upper middle class keeps everyone else out YouTube PBS (Kevin W). From August, still germane.
How the upper middle class keeps everyone else out YouTube PBS (Kevin W). From August, still germane.
What Allan Bloom Saw In Rejection Of Elites

"Underneath a nonjudgmental relativism, Bloom saw a creeping nihilism: believing that all judgments of value had equal weight, the students ended up not believing or aspiring to much of anything at all. As a result, they no longer aspired to learn the truth, but rather to be “open-minded.” Incapable of treating moral questions and culture as anything other than matters of personal preference, they couldn’t be bothered to take seriously the task of self-reinvention that their education demanded of them." … [Read More]
Uber says claims about spy unit came from disgruntled manager Financial Times. Come on. From the story:
Uber paid a total of $7.5m to settle with Mr Jacobs and his employment lawyers, which the judge said was a sign the claims may have had merit. “[P]eople don’t pay that kind of money for BS,” US District Judge William Alsup remarked.
Something Has to Give Jacobin. On the continued growth in student borrowing.Why you sometimes have to quit to win BBC. Sound career advice, perhaps– but with many households lacking even a modest emergency fund, who has the luxury of being able to afford to do so?Corbyn becoming PM is ‘worse threat to business than Brexit’, says bank. Guardian. Really?Big Money Rules NYRB
Should we fear the rise of drone assassins? Two experts debate The Conversation
Robots Threaten Bigger Slice of Jobs in US, Other Rich Nations Wired (David L)
Ending shareholder monopoly: why workers’ votes promote good corporate governance LSE British Politics and Policy Blog
Operation MEDIA DRAGON delivers major blow to organised crime
Operation MEDIA DRAGON delivers major blow to organised crime