— Samuel Taylor Coleridge, born in 1772 - Karma of satisfied and successful lives - with dicish political friends like Shisha who needs enemies - Speaking of strange strangers, odd thing about success. It often breeds failure ...
Justin SearlsVerified account @searls - Most people do not get the bohemian secret of life until they are on their death beds - Success teaches you virtually nothing...
AFR Magazine celebrates power
Why The Wealthy Turn To Philanthropy

"Studies show that, in general, people who feel good, do good – and likewise, people who do good, feel better. The rich are no exception. Giving to charity activates parts of the brain related to reward and pleasure. Yes, the rich do have some distinctive reasons for giving to charity, such as the desire not to ‘morally corrupt’ their heirs. But like others, they also give to strengthen their identity – and probably, to relieve their guilt." … [Read More]
A technique to use especially in a pub when you are not sure what people are saying behind your back The scientists persuading terrorists to spill their secrets
If people aren’t willing or able to venture outside and challenge their thinking they will simply reinforce the status quo, the antithesis of innovation.
Innovation and the rise of echo chambers
ALL men are created equal, but they do not stay that way for long. That is one message of a report this month by the OECD, a club of 35 mostly rich democracies. Many studies show how income gaps have evolved over time or between countries. The OECD’s report looks instead at how inequality evolves with age.
Millennials are doing better than the baby-boomers did at their age
at work: the promise and pitfalls.
"The emerging research we have says that when you look at people not as objects but as human beings, they respond with higher performance. Engagement goes up, and not just engagement, but passion." (McKinsey)
"The emerging research we have says that when you look at people not as objects but as human beings, they respond with higher performance. Engagement goes up, and not just engagement, but passion." (McKinsey)
SWEDES discuss their incomes with a frankness that would horrify Britons or Americans. They have little reason to be coy; in Sweden you can learn a stranger’s salary simply by ringing the tax authorities and asking. Pay transparency can be a potent weapon against persistent inequities. When hackers published e-mails from executives at Sony Pictures, a film studio, the world learned that some of Hollywood’s most bankable female stars earned less than their male co-stars. The revelation has since helped women in the industry drive harder bargains. Yet outside Nordic countries transparency faces fierce resistance. Donald Trump recently cancelled a rule set by Barack Obama requiring large firms to provide more pay data to anti-discrimination regulators. Even those less temperamentally averse to sunlight than Mr Trump balk at what can seem an intrusion into a private matter. That is a shame. Despite the discomfort that transparency can cause, it would be better to publish more...Firms should make more information about salaries public
“First and second wives are like sisters.” – Christopher Nicholson (Winter)
Dutch courage—Alcohol improves foreign language skills Medical Xpress
Antipodean Noir: The New Matilda miscalculated Charlie as his response is filled with common sense ... "In the CareerHub advertisement, I specifically cautioned that candidates require "a strong stomach for the distressing materials prevalent in complex criminal trial and a sense of humour in the face of the unexpected". It required availability of three days a week or more, and availability to work on weekends. The advertisement did not contain a request for a photograph, contrary to New Matilda's research."
Charrles Waterstreet responds to sexual harassment allegations - The MeToo Meme is Beyond the Rake
Antipodean Noir: The New Matilda miscalculated Charlie as his response is filled with common sense ... "In the CareerHub advertisement, I specifically cautioned that candidates require "a strong stomach for the distressing materials prevalent in complex criminal trial and a sense of humour in the face of the unexpected". It required availability of three days a week or more, and availability to work on weekends. The advertisement did not contain a request for a photograph, contrary to New Matilda's research."
Charrles Waterstreet responds to sexual harassment allegations - The MeToo Meme is Beyond the Rake
Surprise city on top 10 list
It could be that Lonely Planet is trolling us all.
The iconic travel company has just released it’s top 10 list for 2018, and a surprising Australian city has knocked Sydney and Melbourne from their perch.
Would you ever have guessed it was Canberra?
The country’s capital was the only Australian city to be ranked in the top 10 — and it’s actually the highest an Aussie city has ever appeared on the list.
It was beaten only by Seville, Spain in first and Detroit, Michigan in second — also a surprising choice, considering about half of the city was abandoned due to a decline of America’s automotive industry, and it has a reputation for rampant crime.
Anyway, according to Lonely Planet, “criminally overlooked Canberra packs a big punch for such a small city” due to its cultural offerings and gastronomic experiences.
The Lonely Planet bloggers described Sydney as a place worse than Third Wprld city as the city looks like Dresden after WWII bombing, few even The Rock lost ots historical appeal and sadly we are as people unfriendly lot even in the city pub rudeness prevails ... De javu of Roman empire is in the air as the harbour and the beaches are limited in their appeal if busses to Bondi feel like Sardines #333 or # 380
I like to blow the grass flat and divide the waters ... Some people like dropping a stone in a dry well and waiting to hear the splash ...

… Lifting My Daughter by Joseph Hutchison : circa 1990 Circa 1992 ...
… There’s No Virtue in Joining an Angry Mob - WSJ.
… Solzhenitsyn’s cathedrals by Gary Saul Morson | The New Criterion
A bit of tax: Australians 'wising up' to use of tax havens, says Andrew Leigh
Maria Popova on Wislawa Szymborska I am thinking about time this morning — about how it expands and contracts in the open fist of memory, about how the same duration can feel like a blink or incline toward the infinite, or even do both at once. Eleven years ago today, Brain Pickings began — birthed by what feels like another self, one that was once myself but no longer is and never again will be, and yet tethered to who I am today by some invisible thread of personal sensibility woven by and of time. As I look back on my most important learnings from the first decade, I am thinking of Simone de Beauvoir and her meditation on how chance and choice make us who we are. I am thinking of Borges and his sublime refutation of time. But, above all, I am thinking of a poem by one of my favorite poets, the Polish Nobel laureate Wisława Szymborska (July 2, 1923–February 1, 2012), about my favorite number, pi — an ode to the most precise language of the universe, mathematics, in the most precise language on Earth, poetry.
The IRS is basically ignoring the equity crowdfunding boom
Look once. Did you see it? Look again. This week's Active Listening is two songs (and videos) that make you think twice.
And from Motherboard: Last year, a security researcher alerted Equifax that anyone could have
stolen the personal data of all Americans.The company failed
to heed the warning.
: The Mona Lisa is not painted on canvas but on three
pieces of wood roughly an inch and a half thick.The Weinstein case has its correlative in the political arena. On both sides of the political spectrum, we seem driven by a need for dramatic outrage that masquerades as virtue. Once a case has been made in the public sphere, on whichever side, the case gets made again and again in increasingly simplistic terms. Any attempt to see around or outside the established scenario means that you are a bad person. The deadening, coercive nature of this kind of thinking is disturbing
… Solzhenitsyn’s cathedrals by Gary Saul Morson | The New Criterion
In one memorable scene, Solzhenitsyn describes how a believing Jew shook his worldview. At the time he met him, Solzhenitsyn explains, “I was committed to that world outlook which is incapable of admitting any new fact or evaluating any new opinion before a label has been found for it . . . be it ‘the hesitant duplicity of the petty bourgeoisie,’ or the ‘militant nihilism of the déclassé intelligentsia.’ ” When someone mentioned a prayer spoken by President Roosevelt, Solzhenitsyn called it “hypocrisy, of course.” Gammerov, the Jew, demanded why he did not admit the possibility of a political leader sincerely believing in God. That was all, Solzhenitsyn remarks, but it was so shocking to hear such words from someone born in 1923 that it forced him to think. “I could have replied to him firmly, but prison had already undermined my certainty, and the principle thing was that some kind of clean, pure feeling does live within us, existing apart from all our convictions, and right then it dawned on me that I had not spoken out of conviction but because the idea had been implanted in me from outside.” He learns to question what he really believes and, still more important, to appreciate that basic human decency morally surpasses any “convictions.”

The IRS is basically ignoring the equity crowdfunding boom
Look once. Did you see it? Look again. This week's Active Listening is two songs (and videos) that make you think twice.
The world's most beautiful tax havens - Travel - The Telegraph
From the Archives: China’s Oil Painting Village: Go there to get a Mona Lisa of your very own.