JOHN MENADUE. Why I am still a Catholic
Reviewgate: Book Reviews for Sale and What it Really Means. Taste in books is as individual as the way we take our coffee or at least it should be. Remember when Americans took pride in being rugged individualists? Remember when achievement was it’s own goal? Do writers have so little faith in their own talent that they cheat to inflate their sales?
Wild tiger family pose for amazing selfies in front of forest camera trap Siberian Times. Very pretty!

Why is there such a thirst to see an author rabbiting on instead of doing what they do best?
Nothing makes the heart sink quite so fast as the phrase ‘followed by a Q&A’, with ‘join the debate’ running it a close second

Artistic fashion comes and goes. What remains is the experience of culture — its beauty, its reach, its strangeness, its ability to transform an ordinary life Marta Chamilova
Why is there such a thirst to see an author rabbiting on instead of doing what they do best?
Nothing makes the heart sink quite so fast as the phrase ‘followed by a Q&A’, with ‘join the debate’ running it a close second

The post box in Bermuda numbered 666 which receives Google profits worth £8BILLION a year Daily Mail

"Appeals court upholds Rabbi Mendel Epstein's conviction in kidnapping conspiracy": Kathleen Hopkins of The Asbury Park Press has a report that begins, "A federal appeals court today affirmed the convictions of Lakewood Rabbi Mendel Epstein and two other rabbis found guilty in a conspiracy to kidnap Orthodox Jewish husbands who refused to grant their wives permission to divorce."And The Associated Press reports that "Convictions for Rabbis for Forced Divorces Upheld by Court."
You can access today's ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit at this link.
You can access today's ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit at this link.
SPENGLER: Good News and Bad News From Poland
For many historians, the Polish-born pope’s Mass in Victory Square, more than anything else, set in motion the events that led to the fall of the Berlin Wall a decade later and the dissolution of the Soviet Union soon thereafter. The people in attendance knew exactly what President Trump meant when he spoke of how the millions of Poles attending that Mass “did not ask for wealth. They did not ask for privilege. Instead, one million Poles sang three simple words: ‘We want God.’”But I wasn’t in the audience; I was watching it on TV and following Twitter’s response to the speech. It was remarkable how many people immediately assumed Trump was talking crazy or just making stuff up (I am paraphrasing very charitably here).I understand that response. Trump often does say crazy things. He does make stuff up — but usually not in prepared texts at big events.It struck me how a lot of our political polarization is fueled by plain old ignorance.* * * * * * * *It is a common human foible to think you know more than you do and to assume that when someone, particularly someone you don’t like, says something you don’t understand that the fault must be in the speaker, not the listener. “It’s a universal law — intolerance is the first sign of an inadequate education,” observed Alexander Solzhenitsyn. “An ill-educated person behaves with arrogant impatience, whereas truly profound education breeds humility.”

OldNYC: “This site provides an alternative way of browsing the NYPL‘s incrediblePhotographic Views of New York City, 1870s-1970s collection. Its goal is to help you discover the history behind the places you see every day. And, if you’re lucky, maybe you’ll even discover something about New York’s rich past that you never knew before! The images all come from the New York Public Library’s Milstein Collection. While many photographers contributed to the collection, the majority of its images are the work of Percy Loomis Sperr, who documented changes to the city from the late 1920s to the early 1940s. The Library retains the copyright for many of these images… The creators of this site did not collect or digitize any of these images — credit for that massive undertaking belongs entirely to the Library…If you’re more technically minded, you can find the source code for Old NYC on github…This collection of over 80,000 original photographs (and their captioned versos) of New York City from around the 1870s to 1970 is the most outstanding resource in the New York Public Library’s Irma and Paul Milstein Division of United States History, Local History and Genealogy.”
Dancing with Demons book: Criminal psychologist