~ Tatranka Folkloring Song
The medicine man Black Elk said that everything is part of a circle. We also should look to the larger circle, or the web of life, the net of jewels. Creativity is about making connections.
I like your poetry. I see a lot
on my rounds and you’re okay. You may
not be the greatest thing on earth, butyou’re different.
Everyone is creative in some form or another. Creativity calls upon the labyrinthine mysteries of our self, the exploration of imagination and surroundings, in order to bring something forth: visual, musical or literary symbols. “To be a person is to have a story to tell.... Within each of us there is a tribe with a complete cycle of legends and dances, songs to be sung,” Sam Keen writes in Your Mythic Journey.

“Standup comedians have a special way of describing success; they want to kill but they don’t want to die.”
Humour may not cure anything but it makes the unbearable a little more bearable Prepare to die laughing

LLRX – Google News’s new look sucks. Please let us revert if we want.Google recently redesigned and relaunched Google News. For ‘power users’, the site’s new design and navigation has not been a welcome change as David Rothman directly articulates in his article

The China-India clash that could lead to nuclear war - The Sydney Morning Herald
America’s hidden philosophy Aeon
The medicine man Black Elk said that everything is part of a circle. We also should look to the larger circle, or the web of life, the net of jewels. Creativity is about making connections.
I like your poetry. I see a lot
on my rounds and you’re okay. You may
not be the greatest thing on earth, butyou’re different.
Everyone is creative in some form or another. Creativity calls upon the labyrinthine mysteries of our self, the exploration of imagination and surroundings, in order to bring something forth: visual, musical or literary symbols. “To be a person is to have a story to tell.... Within each of us there is a tribe with a complete cycle of legends and dances, songs to be sung,” Sam Keen writes in Your Mythic Journey.
Oskar Milosz was a respected writer who, after a near-death experience, was transformed from decadent flâneur to full-blown mystic and mentor to his distant cousin, Czeslaw Polish Philosophy

“Standup comedians have a special way of describing success; they want to kill but they don’t want to die.”
Humour may not cure anything but it makes the unbearable a little more bearable Prepare to die laughing

LLRX – Google News’s new look sucks. Please let us revert if we want.Google recently redesigned and relaunched Google News. For ‘power users’, the site’s new design and navigation has not been a welcome change as David Rothman directly articulates in his article
If you’re one of the millions of Australians that have had to interact with Centrelink you’ll almost certainly agree with the suggestion that the agency isn’t exactly known for its excellent customer service.
Student centrelink social media
The China-India clash that could lead to nuclear war - The Sydney Morning Herald
THE REAL SOUTH CHINA SEA BULLY: The BBC reports China threatened to attack Vietnamese bases in the Spratly Islands if Hanoi continued to explore the area for oil
RIP, Frances Gabe, inventor of the self-cleaning home

RIP, Frances Gabe, inventor of the self-cleaning home

The threat came a few days after a Spanish company working for Vietnam confirmed the discovery of a major natural gas field.
RELATED: The 2014 drilling clash between the Communist neighbors. As the column says, when it’s one on one, Vietnam has the weaker hand.
PHOTO: China’s Maritime Security Agency (coast guard) has muscle. This is an off-shore patrol vessel.
America’s hidden philosophy Aeon
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