In Chinese cities something wacky is always happening. Someone is screaming, backslapping, bumping fists, or screaming while backslapping and bumping fists. Interactions appear to be random, highly intense, and short in duration. The following interaction is more intense yet. It reminds me of that old Humphrey Bogart movie “Beat the Devil.”
A Chinese mall has introduced “husband storage” facilities for wives to leave their spouse while they shop, it’s reported.bAccording to The Paper, the Global Harbour mall in Shanghai has erected a number of glass pods for wives to leave any disgruntled husbands that don’t want to be dragged around the shops... Amen!
WHEN DID USURY STOP BEING A SIN and become respectable?
New research reveals how little we can trust eyewitnesses The Conversation Anno Domino
Revolution and Counterrevolution, 1917–2017 Monthly Review (JH). Hoisted from commentsAt a four-star veterans’ hospital: Care gets ‘worse and worse’ Boston Globe
Winnie the Pooh blacklisted by China’s online censors FT / Hard core Irony Coming to Australia near you soo ... Poohs of Terror alert and Alam ...
A look at how Marc Kasowitz’s firm does business. [Big Law Business]
What not to do in a disaster BBCOverseas landlords shun the UK, as tax changes bite
“It is not by muscle, speed, or physical dexterity that great things are achieved, but by reflection, force of character, and judgment.”

David Davis has spy-proof Brexit briefcase: report Politico. Linking to this rather than the original Telegraph exclusive– which is paywalled
The Australian Taxation
Office aims to reduce the nation’s $2.5 billion tax gap
How Dams Deprive the World’s Rivers of Sediment The WireThe Australian Taxation
Office aims to reduce the nation’s $2.5 billion tax gap
What tally sticks tell us about how money works BBC
The secret history of the banking crisis Prospect
Worried about the planet? Avoid that extra kid Treehugger
The secret history of the banking crisis Prospect
Australia, You Are Not Being Taken Over By Muslims, Journalist Says
Philip Larkin's things include a Hitler figurine, empty spines of the diaries that he wished shredded after his death, and ample evidence of his own self-loathing Before Jordan
A Maine nonprofit paid its disabled workers less than minimum wage, while its executives got six figures Bangor Daily News. And another neoliberal infestation, this time in Medicaid
Digital text alone is impoverished and, on occasion, emotionally arid. It lacks the nonverbal cues — body language — of spoken communication. That's why we need Emoji
WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS, YONES? India comedy group subject to criminal process for meme insulting Prime Minister Narendra Modi
How loneliness in older people makes them more vulnerable to financial scammers The Conversation
Liu Xiaobo – the quiet, determined teller of China’s inconvenient truths South China Morning Post
Liu Xiaobo – the quiet, determined teller of China’s inconvenient truths South China Morning Post
Paul Krugman says a mix of “never” and “certainly not now”
CAN’T SAY I BLAME THEM: Hundreds of cops turn their backs on Mayor de Blasio at slain officer’s funeral
Shooting death of Justine Damond by US police sparks calls for federal investigation
A whistleblower plays by the rules at CIA, and finds ‘nothing gets done’ McClatchy. Film at 11.
80 YEARS OF NARRATIVE IN A SINGLE ARTICLE: Have You Heard? All Republican Presidents Are Strange
Amazon is getting too big and the government is talking about it MarketWatch. Says hedgie Douglas Kass.

When Feeling Good is Bad Grass Roots Economic Organizing. Important.
GOVERNMENT IS JUST ANOTHER WORD FOR THE THINGS WE CHOOSE TO DO TOGETHER: Malpractice in America’s Crime Labs Is Putting Innocents in Jail, Letting Convicts Off the Hook
There is a crisis in America’s government-run crime labs—and it’s not just the result of a few rogue operators. The problem is long-festering and systemic.In April, Massachusetts state crime lab chemist Annie Dookhan made national headlines after investigations and lawsuits over her misconduct prompted the state’s Supreme Judicial Court to order the largest dismissal of criminal convictions in U.S. historyProsecutors were forced to dismiss a stunning 21,000-plus drug cases after Dookhan admitted to forging signatures, misleading investigators, and purposely contaminating drug samples en masse over nearly a decade
Mind your language and step into your boss's shoes: how to speak ...
When it comes to big data, Longstaff said people working for any kind of organisation should use their “moral imagination” — a kind of empathy — to put aside their employer’s objectives and honestly consider what a regular person might think about what they are doing with data analytics
THIRTY-ONE years ago, The Economist created the Big Mac index as a way of gauging how different currencies stacked up against the dollar. The index is based on the theory of purchasing-power parity, the idea that in the long run, exchange rates should adjust so that the price of an identical basket of tradable goods is the same. Our basket contains one item, a Big Mac.
The latest version of the index shows, for example, that a Big Mac costs $5.30 in America, but just ¥380 ($3.36) in Japan. The Japanese yen is thus, by our meaty logic, 37% undervalued against the dollar.