My former boss, Dr Russell Cope, who is known for his insight and concerns about libraries, received a very special gift from the head of the NSW State Library this morning - Two Library Champions Received the Bespoke Engraved Glass:
Recognising distinguished individuals who contribute to the cultural enrichment of Australia through excellence in the library, information and related fields.
#LibraryHonours Honorary Fellows are Ms Kathleen Bresnahan and Dr Russell Leslie David Cope
Honorary Fellow 2016 AD:
Dr Russell Leslie David Cope for his outstanding and sustained contributions to the NSW Parliamentary Library and the NSW Parliament.
Ms Kathleen Bresnahan for her outstanding and
sustained contributions in support of the aims of the State Library and
especially NSW public libraries.

Recognising distinguished individuals who contribute to the cultural enrichment of Australia through excellence in the library, information and related fields.
#LibraryHonours Honorary Fellows are Ms Kathleen Bresnahan and Dr Russell Leslie David Cope
Honorary Fellow 2016 AD:
Dr Russell Leslie David Cope for his outstanding and sustained contributions to the NSW Parliamentary Library and the NSW Parliament.
Ms Kathleen Bresnahan for her outstanding and
sustained contributions in support of the aims of the State Library and
especially NSW public libraries.

Above - skylight - Sydney NSW Parliament Library Stained Glass The text in the centre reads “Knowledge is the Mother of Wisdom and Virtue”.
"For his outstanding and sustained contributions to the New South Wales Parliamentary Library and the New South Wales Parliament, Russell Cope is a worthy recipient of an honour of the Library Council of NSW."
[ Image by Don McPhedran taken at the NSW Parliamentary Library. Title Russell Cope, New South Wales Parliamentary Librarian 1962-, at his desk Date of Work - 02 May 1963
Russell Cope MA PhD FLAA
Fellowship conferred 1968
Russell Leslie David Cope received his education at the University of Sydney. He has been a member of the Library Association of Australia since 1950 and was elected a professional member in 1960. His career in librarianship has been in the New South Wales Parliamentary Library, culminating in his appointment in 1963 as librarian of the Parliament of New South Wales.
ALIA Fellowship Russell Cope As the friendliest and considerate President in my time in NSW Parliament, Johno Johnson, noted: In 1991 Dr Russell Cope, the Parliamentary Librarian, concluded 40 years of meritorious service Dr Cope is one of those living treasures that few institutions have ...
On 1 January 2015 Andrew Tink commenced a three year appointment as President of the Library Council of New South Wales. Andrew was the chair of the NSW Public Accounts Committee at the same time I served as as the Clerk to that powerful Committee. Dr Cope and Andrew share their passion for libraries and the treasures their hold antique books and rare manuscripts.
Like Andrew, Johno is respected by political members from wide spectrum of political leanings. (I understand that even Tony Abbott paid a thoughtful respect to Johno recently.) My father was still alive when I was invited by Johno to share a meal at the President's dining room which honoured visiting Bohemian, Vaclav Havel whom I admired. I was also fortunate to swim and dine with that amazing Slavic hero of the Prague's Spring of 1968, Alexander Dubcek. My dad was very fond of Sasha aka Alexander. Johno helped me with the review of my doorstopper about the escape across the Iron Curtain Cold River at the Catholic Weekly. It helps when you chair the newspaper ;-)
Parliamentary Library Reunion
175th Anniversary NSW Parliamentary Library Archives
In the Main Reading Room of the National Library in Canberra you will find a copy this pamphlet entitled "Tribute of the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council : congratulating Dr Russell Leslie David Cope M.A., Ph.D., F.L.A.A., upon his retirement as Parliamentary Librarian and recording appreciation of service rendered to the Parliament of New South Wales / Parliament of New South Wales Tribute to National Treasure Dr Cope
*Stain Glass: The crowning glory of the former NSW Parliamentary Library, now called the Jubilee Room, is the ornate stained glass lantern, one of the best examples of stained glass in Sydney. The words around the central medallion
echo the room's origins as a library:
"Knowledge is the mother of wisdom and virtue"