Thursday, January 20, 2005

Attempt to create a Meme:-) How About A Blog Day on the seventh day of the seventh month ... Number Seven is the only number which stands for completness. We have the 4th of July, we also have the French Revolution in July. How about Bloggal Digital Revolution on the first Sunday of July? (smile)

As journalists have been duped so often, admittedly duped, how can anyone say the media system in America is working? In times of foreign crises, the press doesn't report. It is politically exploited. It is supposed to reflect truth and reality but, by treating politically motivated White House words with face-value reverence, it is distorting that truth and reality and succumbing to patriot games. Patriot game, media shame

The Blog, The Press, The Media: Bloggers vs. Journalists is Over
Jay Rosen announces that "Bloggers vs. Journalists is Over" -- and of course it is.

I have been an observer and critic of the American press for 19 years. In that stretch there has never been a time so unsettled. More is up for grabs than has ever been up for grabs since I started my watch.
Bloggers vs. journalists is over. I don't think anyone will mourn its passing. There were plenty who hated the debate in the first place, and openly ridiculed its pretensions and terms. But events are what did the thing in at the end. In the final weeks of its run, we were getting bulletins from journalists like this one from John Schwartz of the New York Times, Dec. 28: "For vivid reporting from the enormous zone of tsunami disaster, it was hard to beat the blogs.

Ending One Fruitless Debate [Credits: still life - Explode the Newsroom: Six Ways to Rebuild the System ; grooming - Our Velvet Revolution A growing number of Americans are beginning to identify with the pro-democracy activists whose courage opened much of the world to freedom in the final decades of the 20th Century]
• · It was encouraging to read about transparency, public relations ethics and the insidiousness of spin at various points of this PR Blog Week; via Defining Participatory Journalism
• · · Jay Rosen on PR need to be transparent ...
• · · · She wanted to stop reading it- but she had nothing better to do! Produced by average people who seem to think their lives are interesting. Guess It Was Inevitable: The Blog T-Shirt ; Gillmor Gang
• · · · · Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers Committee to Protect Bloggers
• · · · · · While Iraq's many newspapers get little notice in the American media, the country's citizen bloggers are drawing increased attention, as reporters in the United States try to gauge views within that country during the lead-up to this month's elections. One reason for the interest: Many of the Iraqi bloggers' postings are written in English, unlike the commentary in local newspapers. Reporters read blogs and crikeys. A lot. Bloody Oath ...

Be warned, that some of the entries on these lists are extremely out of date, so please send in any additions or corrections to Crikey of Lists:
Journalists who never sold out: the veterans who remained true to the profession for more than 15 years ; Journalists who made it in management ; Journalists now in corporate/govt affairs positions ; Journalists to PR agencies ; Ex journalists who have worked for politicians ; Working Journalists Who Have Worked For Politicians