Monday, December 06, 2004

Vote early and often
If you love me, you'll vote for me right now. You do love me, don't you? Because I love you. And if you didn't vote for me . . . if I lost . . . I'd be so heartbroken the tears would just pour right out of my big blue-hazel flaked eyes and down my unshaven bohemian cheekbones . . .2004 Weblog Awards
[Ed.: On the other hand, do not bother as the Slavic Pope does not need to compete for honors (smile)]

The Blog, The Press, The Media: You've fixed my home, now furnish my honourable mind
Australians have given up their obsession with improving their homes and their bodies, and are now devoted to improving their minds.
While the biggest losers in the television ratings year were shows about renovation, and an early enthusiasm for shows about makeovers and plastic surgery fizzled out, the biggest winners were documentaries - and not just on the ABC.

Sleeping around on the couch [ The ABC - prime time audience share of 17 per cent the best result in measurable history]
• · Free Press Rights for Bloggers
• · · Jason Kottke spoiled the surprise ending of Ken Jennings' Winning streak on Jeopardy
• · · · Nifty free posters and much more for libraries If you have a Palm here is a helping Hand ; [if at all possible I'd like to avoid becoming the Harold Stassen of the Palm Digital Harold Stassen ]
• · · · · 2004 Year of the Blog Rocking Virtual the Surf ; [via Bad Mothers]