They say you should start as you mean to continue, and there could soon be fewer managerialist buzzwords and more frank questions permeating the corporate culture of the Australian Taxation Office if new commissioner of taxation Rob Heferen’s initial leadership note to staff is anything to go by.
Unlearning buzz words and corporate speak will not be easy for many … Orwell predicted how hard it would be for some SESes
More listening to learn and less listening to win ...
Jennifer Garvey Berger believes that leadership is one of the most vital renewable resources in the world. At a time when organizations are often forging the path rather than following the path of others, leadership is about creating the conditions for people to be their most creative, connected, intelligent selves.
Berger discerns five pernicious and pervasive "mind traps" to frame the book. These are: the desire for simple stories, our sense that we are right, our desire to get along with others in our group, our fixation with control, and our constant quest to protect and defend our egos. In addition to understanding why these natural impulses steer us wrong in a fast-moving world, leaders will get powerful questions and approaches that help them escape these patterns.
Two Good Eggs and Listeners to boot Cllimbers of the Sydney Harbour Bridge |
"The more an idea is tied to your identity, the more you will ignore evidence it is false. To continue to grow and learn, you must be willing to update, expand, and edit your identity."
- James Clear
“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”
- Epicurus
“We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.”
- Kurt Vonnegut
“Not till we are lost…do we begin to find ourselves.”
- Henry David Thoreau
“When I was young I observed that nine out of every ten things I did were failures, so I did ten times more work.”
- George Bernard Shaw
Culture is like the wind. It is invisible; yet its effect can be seen and felt.
When you’re in a small boat, you can see who’s paddling hard and who’s looking around
A tree cannot become big & huge without its leaves & roots.
Treat employees like they make a difference, and they will.
Our secret weapon for building the best culture is open and honest feedback.
~Jorge Paulo Lemann
There's no magic formula for great company culture. The key is just to treat your staff how you would like to be treated.