Friday, August 11, 2023

Tropical trees use social distancing to maintain biodiversity

Blinken tells Australia that WikiLeaks founder is accused of ‘very serious’ crime The Hill. Yeah, journalism

How Saudi Arabia is buying the world New Statesman (furzy). I am old enough to remember when this was a regular trope, in the 1970s. 

Iran’s official in-charge for enforcing hijab, chastity caught having gay sex on camera, firedFirstPost

US to help Australia develop guided missiles by 2025 Al Jazeera

I searched hell on Earth for a story. What I found will haunt me forever LA Times. In fact a good story, despite the headline that, well, “bait” is far too mild a word… 

 More Baby Boomers are living alone. One reason why: ‘gray divorce’ CN

Tropical trees use social distancing to maintain biodiversity Eurekalert!


Your body can build up tolerance to heat. Here’s how. WaPo. Try this if the heat’s not “mild.” But only after performing your “personal risk assessment”