Thursday, December 08, 2022

It's not just Twitter. The whole Internet is broken and we'd better fix it soon

Just imagine if Elon grew up in Czechoslovakia … We would start feeling sorry for totalitarians and communists “I don’t start fights but I’ll finish them.”

Absolutely insane for these journalists to accuse a reporter, who just accurately reported a major story, of "doing pr for a billionaire" after their weeks-long love story with SBF, a man who just stole $10 billion dollars but is a 'very nice guy' who 'meant well'

Crypto Entrepreneurs Just Spent $600,000 to Deliver a Giant Statue of Elon Musk as a Goat to Tesla’s Headquarters Artnet

It's not just Twitter. The whole Internet is broken and we'd better fix it soon

If the debate about Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter tells us anything, it’s that people – including those in governments – don’t understand how the World Wide Web works. 

We know that the algorithms Twitter uses to recommend content can guide people to develop more extreme views, but what is considered extreme has changed since Musk’s takeover. Many things he considers free speech would previously have been thought to be derogatory, misogynistic, violent or harmful in many other ways.

Many countries, including Aotearoa New Zealand as the co-initiator of the Christchurch Call, are looking to Twitter and other platform providers to allow analysis of their algorithms and more transparency about their effects on individuals and the social fabric.

Kanye West’s bizarre Instagram posts about Elon Musk after Twitter ban

Kanye West has returned to Instagram to make some bizarre comments about Elon Musk after he booted the rapper from Twitter.

Twitter Coin rumours swirl, placing Dogecoin payments narrative in doubt

From blue bird 🐦 Yellow bird 

 Twitter Files – Musk Fires Fox In The Hen House.

Elon FIRES Twitter’s general counsel James Baker for ‘vetting internal files on Hunter Biden laptop scandal and DELAYING release of second tranche’ – ex-FBI lawyer was James Comey’s deputy and involved in Russian collusion investigation Daily Mail (fresno dan). Above the fold in the Journal: Elon Musk’s Release of Documents Triggers Twitter Lawyer Jim Baker’s Exit


Matt Taibbi, who authored the first release of the infamous “Twitter Files,” is back for round two. Or at least he’s back to provide a supplement to round one while round two is still being worked on.

According to Taibbi, James Baker, who was general counsel for Twitter and a former top-level FBI official, inserted himself into the disclosure in an attempt to “vet” the files that were ultimately released. Elon Musk was not notified of Baker playing middle-man.

As RedState reported, Baker was fired on Tuesday, and with Taibbi’s latest thread, we now know why. I normally try to not flood my articles with long strings of multiple tweets in a row, but it’s important to get all the information out there.

More details about Baker from Jonathan Turley: Six Degrees from James Baker: A Familiar Figure Reemerges With the Release of the Twitter Files.

Baker has been featured repeatedly in the Russian investigations launched by the Justice Department, including the hoax involving the Russian Alfa Bank. When Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann wanted to plant the bizarre false claim of a secret communications channel between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin, Baker was his go-to, speed-dial contact. (Baker would later testify at Sussmann’s trial). Baker’s name also appeared prominently in controversies related to the other Russian-related FBI allegations against Trump. He was effectively forced out due to his role and reportedly found himself under criminal investigation. He became a defender of the Russian investigations despite findings of biased and even criminal conduct. He was also a frequent target of Donald Trump on social media, including Twitter. Baker responded with public criticism of Trump for his “false narratives.”

After leaving the FBI, Twitter seemed eager to hire Baker as deputy general counsel. Ironically, Baker soon became involved in another alleged back channel with a presidential campaign. This time it was Twitter that maintained the non-public channels with the Biden campaign (and later the White House). Baker soon weighed in with the same signature bias that characterized the Russian investigations.

As Howie Carr wrote before Baker’s ouster: Howie Carr: Newly liberated Twitter blows lid off Democrat tainting of 2020 election.

As they attempted to prevent Americans from learning about the Biden family’s racketeering enterprises, the Democrats of Twitter turned to a veteran of the previous attempt by Democrats to steal a presidential election — the Russian collusion hoax.

James Baker had worked for the corrupt FBI in 2016 on, among other frame-ups, the phony-baloney surveillance FISA warrants. For his unstinting efforts in trying to railroad POTUS and everyone around him, Baker’s Democrat comrades rewarded him with a big job at Twitter.

Soon the bent G-man was assuring his fellow travelers that “caution is warranted” in preventing any real news about Democrat corruption from being disseminated to the electorate.

It was the same BS being peddled by 51 other Democrats in the “intelligence community.” They had claimed that Biden’s laptop bore the “hallmarks” of Russian disinformation, which gave the Big Guy cover to lie about it at one of the debates against the racist tangerine.

I could go on, but I’ll close by repeating an earlier statement.

Elon Musk did not commit suicide.

Twitter is Fun Again! Matt Bivens. The deck: “Now, let’s have the rest: Everything in the files about how national security agencies manipulate what we get to see and hear.” A useful timeline with good detail.


The Twitter Files, Explained Gizmodo


Censorship by surrogate: Why Musk’s document dump could be a game changer Jonathan Turley, The Hill

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 What is AI chatbot phenomenon ChatGPT and could it replace humans? Guardian. Fanboy:


And but:

 How Web Platforms Collapse: The Facebook Case Study Ted Gioia, The Honest Broker. A brutal and entertaining stomping of Facebook.

Rich people who own newspapers can shift elections. Israel shows how. Washington Post. Userfriendly: “ROFLMAO How did anyone let this get printed without so much as a mention of Bezos. The ideological blinders you must have to get hired at the MSM is jaw dropping