Friday, July 03, 2020

An Ode to Insomnia

An Ode to Insomnia

At Changi, one of the world’s great travel hubs, traffic plunged from 5.9 million passengers in January to a mere 25,200 in April — a 99.5 percent drop. The number of airlines serving the airport collapsed from 91 to 35. Two of the four main terminals have been temporarily mothballed; plans for a fifth have been set back at least two years.

Here is the full article, about the retreat of globalization.

Miami fact of the day (NYT): “One-third of all patients admitted to the city’s main public hospital over the past two weeks after going to the emergency room for car-crash injuries and other urgent problems have tested positive for the coronaviruts.”

“Fighting the COVID-19 pandemic calls for precision – understanding who is most vulnerable and why, where the disease is spreading fastest, and how interventions like social distancing are working. This website offers a toolkit of large-scale datasets and actionable analysis for government officials, policymakers, and citizens from the national level to the hyper-local. Our data sets include:

  • COVID-19 Community Vulnerability Index (CCVI)
  • COVID-19 Confirmed Cases + CCVI
  • Social Distancing Tracking
  • Twitter Data for Nurse Sentiment
  • Google Live Popularity Data
  • US Social Distancing Poll Data…”