— Joyce Carol Oates
Get rid of things or you'll spend your whole life tidying up.
— Marguerite Duras, born in 1914
More good news? MEdia Dragon Citizen Reporters Go & Do What the MEdia Won't!
Giorgio Agamben on coronavirus: “The enemy is not outside, it is within us.” | The Book Haven.
Bare life — and the danger of losing it — is not something that unites people, but blinds and separates them. Other human beings, as in the plague described in Alessandro Manzoni’s novel, are now seen solely as possible spreaders of the plague whom one must avoid at all costs and from whom one needs to keep oneself at a distance of at least a meter. The dead — our dead — do not have a right to a funeral and it is not clear what will happen to the bodies of our loved ones. Our neighbor has been cancelled and it is curious that churches remain silent on the subject. What do human relationships become in a country that habituates itself to live in this way for who knows how long? And what is a society that has no value other than survival?
WHAT A STRANGE THING FOR A COUNTRY TO DO AFTER THEY HAVE NO NEW CASES: Chinese Backed Company Raids Australia’s Medical Supplies, Ships Them Back to China
CHINA SYNDROME: 60 Minutes Australia: Chinese President Xi Allowed 5 Million Out Of Wuhan
CHINA LIED, PEOPLE DIED: China Concealed Extent of Virus Outbreak, U.S. Intelligence Says
Can you kill coronavirus with UV light? BBC
KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: Let’s All Get Comfortable With Saying Bad Things About China Now.“China is still a totalitarian communist monster and should be viewed as a threat to the United States, not an exotic business partner. The U.S. military has long viewed it as such, it’s time for the rest of us to get on board.”
JIM TREACHER: Chinese City Bans Consumption of Cats and Dogs, Which Is Not at All Funny. “I’m not sure why they’re banning something that never happens in China anyway. The only rational explanation is that Chinese government officials are racist against Chinese people. After all, that’s the reason I’m not supposed to say anything about the virus, or China, or any person in the entire world who is of Chinese descent. The institutionalized racism that’s endemic to the United States has obviously infected our friends to the East.”
Get rid of things or you'll spend your whole life tidying up.
— Marguerite Duras, born in 1914
More good news? MEdia Dragon Citizen Reporters Go & Do What the MEdia Won't!
CHINA SYNDROME: Pakistan gets Chinese underwear as N95 masks.
Get China out of your supply chain ASAP.
UPDATE: I tested one of those Chinese underwear masks and give it two stars out of five: Neither stylish nor particularly comfortable.
'Obsolete scum of white Australia' behind anti-Chinese sentiment, says NSW Labor MP
A new opinion piece by NSW MLC Shaoquett Moselmane has one former MP describing him as 'an absolute disgrace to the Labor Party'.
China Concealed Extent of Virus Outbreak, U.S. Intelligence Says
(Bloomberg) -- China has concealed the extent of the coronavirus outbreak in its country, under-reporting both total cases and deaths it’s suffered from the disease, the U.S. intelligence community concluded in a classified report to the White House, according to three U.S. officials.
The officials asked not to be identified because the report is secret, and they declined to detail its contents. But the thrust, they said, is that China’s public reporting on cases and deaths is intentionally incomplete. Two of the officials said the report concludes that China’s numbers are fake.
For decades, when you went into a second-hand bookshop in Australia, even if there was no poetry section, you’d find at least one book of poetry, and that book would be Bruce Dawe’s Sometimes Gladness. It wasn’t simply about a discarded book looking for a new owner, but the inevitable circulation of a school standard across the country. Innumerable copies of the many (updated) editions of this timeless classic were in high-school kids’ bags, lockers, bookcases, desks and maybe scattered on their floors after a heavy study session.
Bare life — and the danger of losing it — is not something that unites people, but blinds and separates them. Other human beings, as in the plague described in Alessandro Manzoni’s novel, are now seen solely as possible spreaders of the plague whom one must avoid at all costs and from whom one needs to keep oneself at a distance of at least a meter. The dead — our dead — do not have a right to a funeral and it is not clear what will happen to the bodies of our loved ones. Our neighbor has been cancelled and it is curious that churches remain silent on the subject. What do human relationships become in a country that habituates itself to live in this way for who knows how long? And what is a society that has no value other than survival?
The true story of the toilet paper shortage: it’s not about hoarding, rather a shift of demand away from the commercial sector into the household sector (you are doing more “business” at home these days).
Sky News contributor Cory Bernardi says while Australia should maintain a solid trading relationship with China, “we also need to show some strength” in the face of Chinese deception and corruption. Mr Bernardi said “there are a whole range of consequences that are going to flow from surrendering to China for the last decade or so”. “We have let them militarise the South China Sea”. “We have seen them compromise our national security”. “We know the Chinese don’t tell the truth about what is happening in their own country," he said. Sky News host Gary Hardgrave said the intentions of the Chinese Communist Party are “insidious” and “dangerous”. China are pushing back against the idea there will be consequences for their failure to contain the virus and are trying to present themselves as a global hero by sending personal protective equipment around the world. Mr Hardgrave said “we’ve got to back Donald Trump and make sure he gets re-elected simply because he is the only with guts, gumption and coherency that may well be able to take some of this stuff on”.
Australia to 'reap the rewards of surrendering to China for the past decade'
Australia to 'reap the rewards of surrendering to China for the past decade'
ANALYSIS: MEN & GUYS SO TRUE. If you claim that calling it ‘Wuhan coronavirus’ is racist, you are part of the cover-up.
WHAT A STRANGE THING FOR A COUNTRY TO DO AFTER THEY HAVE NO NEW CASES: Chinese Backed Company Raids Australia’s Medical Supplies, Ships Them Back to China
CHINA SYNDROME: 60 Minutes Australia: Chinese President Xi Allowed 5 Million Out Of Wuhan
CHINA LIED, PEOPLE DIED: China Concealed Extent of Virus Outbreak, U.S. Intelligence Says
CHINA SYNDROME: Coronavirus: Countries reject Chinese-made equipment. “Thousands of testing kits and medical masks are below standard or defective, according to authorities in Spain, Turkey and the Netherlands. . . . On Saturday, the Dutch health ministry announced it had recalled 600,000 face masks. The equipment had arrived from a Chinese manufacturer on 21 March, and had already been distributed to front-line medical teams. Dutch officials said that the masks did not fit and that their filters did not work as intended, even though they had a quality certificate.”
China must be made a pariah.
“There were people who took shortcuts through other people’s lives, didn’t give a damn what harm they did. Sometimes, what mattered wasn’t just the damage they left after them, it was the reckless contempt of it. It’s like some lives matter and other people exist just to populate the landscape.”
Can you kill coronavirus with UV light? BBC
KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: Let’s All Get Comfortable With Saying Bad Things About China Now.“China is still a totalitarian communist monster and should be viewed as a threat to the United States, not an exotic business partner. The U.S. military has long viewed it as such, it’s time for the rest of us to get on board.”
JIM TREACHER: Chinese City Bans Consumption of Cats and Dogs, Which Is Not at All Funny. “I’m not sure why they’re banning something that never happens in China anyway. The only rational explanation is that Chinese government officials are racist against Chinese people. After all, that’s the reason I’m not supposed to say anything about the virus, or China, or any person in the entire world who is of Chinese descent. The institutionalized racism that’s endemic to the United States has obviously infected our friends to the East.”
John Banville–THE SEA
“My life seemed to be passing before me, not in a flash as it is said to do for those about to drown, but in a sort of leisurely convulsion, emptying itself of its secrets and its quotidian mysteries in preparation for the moment when I must step into the black boat on the shadowed river with the coin of passage cold in my already coldening hand.”
The secrecy and deception surrounding the spread of the worldwide Coronavirus pandemic that led to multiple failures by the World Health Organization is not the fault of China alone.
Rather, it's the end result of a deceptive philosophy based in falsehoods and propaganda to keep its people and the rest of the world out of the loop.
If the cruel reality were ever known, there would not be so many “useful idiots” falling for it.
If the cruel reality were ever known, there would not be so many “useful idiots” falling for it.
The behavior of China's silence related to the Coronavirus is a common, and perfectly normal, procedure to follow in totalitarian communist regimes.
Everything bad that happens inside communist countries is a State Secret.
Everything bad that happens inside communist countries is a State Secret.
LaurenceJarvikOnline: China, the World Health Organization, and Communism.
from The Atlantic: China Is Avoiding Blame by Trolling the World.
Beijing is successfully dodging culpability for its role in spreading the coronavirus.… from The Guardian: Life after lockdown: has China really beaten coronavirus?
Residents and analysts doubt the near-zero transmission rate as restrictions are eased.… from The Diplomat: Can China’s COVID-19 Statistics Be Trusted?
From GDP figures to coronavirus counts, China’s government has a long history of manipulating data for political gain.
… Boris Johnson's government is furious with China and believes it could have 40 times the number of coronavirus cases it says.
… The Comprehensive Timeline of China’s COVID-19 Lies.
NEW YORK PHYSICIAN Dr. Vladimir Zelenko has now treated 699 coronavirus patients with 100% success using Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate, Zinc and Z-Pak.

South Park