“Basil needs this war. He’s not suited to peace.”
"In my youth I sought the final explanation that explains everything. In my age I am at peace with the final mystery that explains everything else."
This Woman Can Smell Parkinson's. Fascinating, people with Parkinson's disease give off a distinct odor that some "super-smellers" can detect (even ahead of symptoms). The women in this article even predicted a diagnosis just by smell.
Dozens of instructions for making paper models of 3D geometrical figures (polyhedra, prisms, stars, pyramids, etc.)

Diana Athill, Margaret Atwood, Julian Barnes, Anne Enright, Howard Jacobson, Will Self and Lionel Shriver reflect on their own disappointments in life, love and work
Timeless MEdia Dragons - :Falling short: seven writers reflect on failure
The internet wants you to believe you aren’t doing enough with all that “extra time” you have now. But staying inside and attending to basic needs is plenty.
Stop Trying to Be Productive
Business Continuity and Remote Working Resources For Law Firms - mycase – Nicole Black – “As the weeks pass and it becomes clear that remote working is becoming the new norm, many law firm leaders are beginning to establish business plans that will allow their firms to survive and thrive as we move forward. A successful plan will address both business continuity issues and put remote working technologies and policies in place. Of course, for many lawyers, this is uncharted territory. But just because it’s unfamiliar doesn’t mean you can’t tackle these issues head on and lay the foundation for success in the weeks and months to come. While the path forward may seem daunting at first, rest assured this is a challenge you can meet. The key is conduct research and ensure that you thoroughly understand your options and the path you’ll need to take to lay the groundwork for success

April Fool’s prank or not, Dr. Anthony Fauci is indeed the latest unexpected ‘star’ to emerge from the COVID-19 task force daily press briefings,” Wakeford said in a statement to Women’s Wear Daily. “He has helped bring back ‘must-see TV’ to the masses, who are hungry for wisdom about how to best care for their family’s health and safety in this time of uncertainty. Smart is sexy, no doubt
Coronavirus: Four out of five people’s jobs hit by pandemic - BBC News: “A total of 81% of the global workforce of 3.3 billion people have had their workplace fully or partly closed. Restrictions on daily life have led to the closure of many companies and the laying off of staff – either permanently or temporarily. The International Labour Organization (ILO), an agency of the United Nations, has been looking at the global impact with a series of charts. Their work shows the global scale of the impact of the coronavirus outbreak. “Workers and businesses are facing catastrophe, in both developed and developing economies,” said ILO director general Guy Ryder. “We have to move fast, decisively, and together. The right, urgent, measures, could make the difference between survival and collapse
Coronavirus: Four out of five people’s jobs hit by pandemic - BBC News: “A total of 81% of the global workforce of 3.3 billion people have had their workplace fully or partly closed. Restrictions on daily life have led to the closure of many companies and the laying off of staff – either permanently or temporarily. The International Labour Organization (ILO), an agency of the United Nations, has been looking at the global impact with a series of charts. Their work shows the global scale of the impact of the coronavirus outbreak. “Workers and businesses are facing catastrophe, in both developed and developing economies,” said ILO director general Guy Ryder. “We have to move fast, decisively, and together. The right, urgent, measures, could make the difference between survival and collapse
Stop Trying to Be Productive
Business Continuity and Remote Working Resources For Law Firms - mycase – Nicole Black – “As the weeks pass and it becomes clear that remote working is becoming the new norm, many law firm leaders are beginning to establish business plans that will allow their firms to survive and thrive as we move forward. A successful plan will address both business continuity issues and put remote working technologies and policies in place. Of course, for many lawyers, this is uncharted territory. But just because it’s unfamiliar doesn’t mean you can’t tackle these issues head on and lay the foundation for success in the weeks and months to come. While the path forward may seem daunting at first, rest assured this is a challenge you can meet. The key is conduct research and ensure that you thoroughly understand your options and the path you’ll need to take to lay the groundwork for success

CHINA’S HUAWEI GAMBIT: Beijing spies on the world using a 5G “virus”?
Here’s the high-risk rub: Does anyone not on the payroll of the Chinese Communist Party trust Beijing’s dictatorship with the power to pervasively monitor communications (spy locally as well as globally), interrupt, deny or corrupt digital services, and possibly take surreptitious control of digital devices, say, the air traffic control computers at Los Angeles International Airport?Outrageous scenario? No, given Huawei’s baggage is a legitimate worry exacerbated by the regime’s criminal dishonesty (e.g., lying about COVID-19/Wuhan virus). For all practical purposes, Huawei is a Chinese Communist Party tool. In spy lingo, a cutout company can hide an espionage operation. Abundant evidence suggests Huawei serves as a cutout.
Yeah, I know, I know. This sounds like some Alex Jones $#!+. But even Alex Jones, after 17 shots of tequila and/or HGH, couldn’t have predicted where we are now. If I could die from this virus, if my loved ones could die, if millions of other people could die and even more could be plunged into poverty, then I don’t care what I’m not supposed to call it. And I certainly don’t care who tries to shame me for wanting to know what the hell is going on.The only people who benefit from your reluctance to ask what’s happening to you are the people whose negligence, incompetence, and dishonesty are responsible for this fiasco: the Chinese Communist Party. Anyone who tries to shut you up is doing their bidding, directly or indirectly. If daring to say so means I’ll get some unpleasant tweets and emails and blog comments, go right ahead. I have absolutely nothing to lose.
April Fool’s prank or not, Dr. Anthony Fauci is indeed the latest unexpected ‘star’ to emerge from the COVID-19 task force daily press briefings,” Wakeford said in a statement to Women’s Wear Daily. “He has helped bring back ‘must-see TV’ to the masses, who are hungry for wisdom about how to best care for their family’s health and safety in this time of uncertainty. Smart is sexy, no doubt
A padlock—whether it uses a combination, a key, or "smart" tech—has exactly one job: to keep your stuff safe so other people can't get it. Tapplock, Inc., based in Canada, produces such a product. The company's locks unlock with a fingerprint or an app connected by Bluetooth to your phone. Unfortunately, the Federal Trade Commission said, the locks are full of both digital and physical vulnerabilities that leave users' stuff, and data, at risk.
The FTC's complaint (PDF) against Tapplock, released Monday, basically alleges that the company misrepresented itself, because it marketed its products as secure and tested when they were neither. A product—any product—simply being kind of crappy doesn't necessarily fall under the FTC's purview. Saying untrue things about your product in your advertisement or privacy policy, however, will make the commission very unhappy with you indeed.
PAULA BOLYARD: Should Churches Violate Shutdown Orders? The Answer Is More Complicated Than You Might Imagine
Exit quote:
What happens when you cross the prosperity gospel with a global pandemic like the Chinese flu? This, courtesy of Howard-Browne:This should be a time of supernatural sustenance, where what you have in your hand will multiply. And every day there will be multiplications. You look at your toilet paper and you think I’m going to run out of toilet paper, but you have another roll where that one was and you don’t know how did that even take place. Are the toilet paper rolls getting together and having families now? What is taking place? When you look again, there’s still enough. You think you’re going to run out but when you look again there’s still enough. That’s supernatural sustenance.And, as noted above, Howard-Browne has flauted an order banning large assemblies, which is what landed him in the slammer.
A padlock—whether it uses a combination, a key, or "smart" tech—has exactly one job: to keep your stuff safe so other people can't get it. Tapplock, Inc., based in Canada, produces such a product. The company's locks unlock with a fingerprint or an app connected by Bluetooth to your phone. Unfortunately, the Federal Trade Commission said, the locks are full of both digital and physical vulnerabilities that leave users' stuff, and data, at risk.
The FTC's complaint (PDF) against Tapplock, released Monday, basically alleges that the company misrepresented itself, because it marketed its products as secure and tested when they were neither. A product—any product—simply being kind of crappy doesn't necessarily fall under the FTC's purview. Saying untrue things about your product in your advertisement or privacy policy, however, will make the commission very unhappy with you indeed.