“My guilt is all I have left. If I lose it, I have stood for nothing, done nothing.”
YOU’RE GONNA NEED A BIGGER BLOG: All China’s Lies. “A roundup on what China is lying about today.”
Time to put China on lockdown for its dishonesty amid coronavirus crisis.
But wherever the virus came from, China’s response was inept, dishonest and utterly inconsiderate of the rest of the world. A competent, honest response would have placed the world on notice much earlier. A China that cared about the rest of the world would have halted flights abroad while this disease was spreading, instead of allowing its citizens to spread willy-nilly around the globe.
HOA Tyrants in the Days of Coronavirus
It has become accepted knowledge that America's intelligence agencies missed 9/11 warning signs — but that's not entirely true. Signs were seen, but they impelled no action. We were so convinced that the fall of the Soviet Union as the end of history precluded any need for urgency. Yet, even if there had been, no one, at that point, knew how to react.
I don't think I need to remind everyone of what happened on 09/11/2001.
I share this vignette as a means of showing that there are always signs. We, for whatever reason, miss them, or we ignore them for political purposes, or we refuse to believe them because they contradict the core tenets of our belief system.
Hong Kong Police Arrest Opposition Politician Under Colonial-Era Law - WSJ.
But don't you dare criticize the Chinese government
YOU REALIZED THIS NOW? China Is Preparing to Start a War with America

Pope says coronavirus outbreak may be one of ‘nature’s responses’ to climate change The Hill
CHINA SYNDROME: Pakistan gets Chinese underwear as N95 masks.
Get China out of your supply chain ASAP.
UPDATE: I tested one of those Chinese underwear masks and give it two stars out of five: Neither stylish nor particularly comfortable.