Take In A Museum – Ten Museums That Offer Cool Virtual Tours

These virtual tours take you right inside some of the world’s most iconic institutions. Been putting off that trip to Amsterdam to explore the Van Gogh Museum? Here’s your chance to take it all in. Dreaming of a trip to Paris that includes taking in the Louvre? You can do that, too. –Yahoo!
City Of Seattle Announces Emergency Rent And Financial Support For The Arts
“This is 9/11 meets The Great Recession meets the snowstorm,” Randy Engstrom, director of the city’s Office of Arts and Culture (OAC), said during an online public meeting Tuesday afternoon. “We know we’re going to get through this together — and this is our time.” – Seattle Times
Finally We’re Learning Online

If there is a silver lining in this crisis, it may be that the virus is forcing us to use the internet as it was always meant to be used — to connect with one another, share information and resources, and come up with collective solutions to urgent problems. It’s the healthy, humane version of digital culture we usually see only in schmaltzy TV commercials, where everyone is constantly using a smartphone to visit far-flung grandparents and read bedtime stories to kids. – The New York Times