Happy hellos on happy birthdays
“She is like a butterfly,
Beautiful to look at
But hard to catch even on Sunday mornings ;-).”
― Imrichesque landscapes of Malchken 5:15 backwards
Is It Possible To Take The Ethnic Stereotypes Out Of ‘La Bayadère’? Ángel Corella Is Trying
This Imperial Russian tale of an Indian temple dancer may be the most egregious collection of outdated orientalist caricatures in the entire ballet canon. But it remains popular, and many dancers love it themselves. In developing his new version of the work for Pennsylvania Ballet, Corella has engaged Final Bow for Yellowface co-founder Phil Chan and a Kathak specialist from Swarthmore College. – The Philadelphia Inquirer

How much - how little - is within our power

I’m Lisa Pollock, Artist, Wife, Mum and Creator of Art From The Heart. We are a small Gold Coast business, creating heartfelt designed decorative pieces.
It is my wish that through my artwork I may in some small way inspire others to believe in the magic of their dreams and to never ever give up.
Each affirmation is created from my heart in the hope of bringing a little more peace, love, gratitude and laughter into our crazy busy worlds.
Always remember… life’s too short, too amazing and too beautiful not to believe in the magic that lies within you. Just go for it!
I thank you all for your beautiful support, belief and being part of my dream. Without each and every one of you it would not be possible… I am deeply touched and so very grateful.
From my heart to yours, I wish you an amazing life’s journey.
— Emily Dickinson
The New York Times – The latest Apple and Google models have software that automatically enhances your photos, but you can also take control to get your perfect shot
The New York Times – The latest Apple and Google models have software that automatically enhances your photos, but you can also take control to get your perfect shot
JUDITH WHITE. Whatever happened to Whitlam’s vision for the arts?
In 1972 Gough Whitlam’s election campaign promised “to promote a standard of excellence in the arts, to widen access to, and the understanding and application of, the arts in the community generally, to help establish and express an Australian identity through the arts and to promote an awareness of Australian culture abroad”.
For First Time, Two Women Win Pritzker Prize, Architecture’s Nobel

Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara, principals of Grafton Architecture in Dublin, have already racked up some impressive awards in recent years: the World Architecture Festival’s World Building of the Year (for the Università Luigi Bocconi’s school of economics in Milan), the RIBA International Prize (for UTEC in Lima), and this year’s RIBA Royal Gold Medal for Architecture; they also curated the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale. – The Guardian
Mantel says her weighty new novel has all 'the big important things'
power, politics, forgery and lies: Eight years later, Hillary Mantel
finishes 863 pages in her acclaimed trilogy about Henry VIII's fixer,
Thomas Cromwell.