~Melinda Smith of Aromatherapy fame ... Aromy by the Quarry Lane
Aromatherapy4U brings together two great friends, Sue McKenzie and Melinda Smith whose careers in Aromatherapy started more than 25 years ago when they were original Perfect Potion shop team members. Sue and Mel have maintained a close relationship throughout their careers and now wish to offer their 50 years of varied Aromatherapy experience to enlighten you to the joys of Aromatherapy.
Aromatherapy is normally used through inhalation or as a topical application. ... Inhaling essential oils stimulates the olfactory system, the part of the brain connected to smell, including the nose and the brain. Molecules that enter the nose or mouth pass to the lungs, and from there, to other parts of the body.
Red River
HOW’S THAT SPACE PROGRAM COMING ALONG? ‘City killer’ asteroid just missed Earth and almost nobody saw it coming.
Flashback: Addressing the Killer Asteroid Threat.
Second-order and Higher-order Logic, by Jouko Väänänen (Helsinki)
The St. Petersburg Paradox, by Martin Peterson (Texas A&M).
Second-order and Higher-order Logic, by Jouko Väänänen (Helsinki)
The St. Petersburg Paradox, by Martin Peterson (Texas A&M).
Winners And Losers In This Year’s Emmy Nominations
It looks like HBO’s back, piling up a whopping 137 nominations to Netflix’s 117, with Game of Thrones, Chernobyl and Barry among the big leaders (but with Veep rather far down the list with only nine nominations, including comedy series). – Hollywood Reporter
Bear Tries To Steal Entire Dumpster From Marijuana Dispensary CBS Denver
The Paris Review – “The semicolon was born in Venice in 1494. It was meant to signify a pause of a length somewhere between that of the comma and that of the colon, and this heritage was reflected in its form, which combines half of each of those marks. It was born into a time period of writerly experimentation and invention, a time when there were no punctuation rules, and readers created and discarded novel punctuation marks regularly. Texts (both handwritten and printed) record the testing-out and tinkering-with of punctuation by the fifteenth-century literati known as the Italian humanists. The humanists put a premium on eloquence and excellence in writing, and they called for the study and retranscription of Greek and Roman classical texts as a way to effect a “cultural rebirth” after the gloomy Middle Ages. In the service of these two goals, humanists published new writing and revised, repunctuated, and reprinted classical texts.
Wall Street Journal, IRS Greenlights Tax Breaks for Buyers of 23andMe Genetic Tests:
of 23andMe Inc.’s genetic-testing kits will now have an easier time
paying for the service with tax-advantaged health accounts after a
favorable IRS ruling.
Naked man visits shops in Bennington Vermont Reformer
Historic heat wave is double whammy for climate change The Hill. Ahem, the extent of the heat wave is unusual, but at least in NYC, the top temps aren’t. The high will be 99 on Sat. So? When I came to NYC in 1980, through at least the early 1990s, there would be at least one 2 or more day heat wave when the daily high would be 100 degrees or higher, as much as 103. However, it usually took place near the 4th of July, so the city would get a break by virtue of offices being shut and the residents decamping for the beach. And the city was stinking hot for all of July and August. One reason the officialdom hasn’t taken global warming as seriously as it should is the Northeast has generally benefitted: milder winters and milder summer. For instance, I was never able to wear tights from Memorial Day to Labor Day, but for the last 7+ years there have been days every summer during that period when that was not a “mad dogs and Englishmen” thing to do.
Bear Tries To Steal Entire Dumpster From Marijuana Dispensary CBS Denver
The Paris Review – “The semicolon was born in Venice in 1494. It was meant to signify a pause of a length somewhere between that of the comma and that of the colon, and this heritage was reflected in its form, which combines half of each of those marks. It was born into a time period of writerly experimentation and invention, a time when there were no punctuation rules, and readers created and discarded novel punctuation marks regularly. Texts (both handwritten and printed) record the testing-out and tinkering-with of punctuation by the fifteenth-century literati known as the Italian humanists. The humanists put a premium on eloquence and excellence in writing, and they called for the study and retranscription of Greek and Roman classical texts as a way to effect a “cultural rebirth” after the gloomy Middle Ages. In the service of these two goals, humanists published new writing and revised, repunctuated, and reprinted classical texts.
Wall Street Journal, IRS Greenlights Tax Breaks for Buyers of 23andMe Genetic Tests:
Historic heat wave is double whammy for climate change The Hill. Ahem, the extent of the heat wave is unusual, but at least in NYC, the top temps aren’t. The high will be 99 on Sat. So? When I came to NYC in 1980, through at least the early 1990s, there would be at least one 2 or more day heat wave when the daily high would be 100 degrees or higher, as much as 103. However, it usually took place near the 4th of July, so the city would get a break by virtue of offices being shut and the residents decamping for the beach. And the city was stinking hot for all of July and August. One reason the officialdom hasn’t taken global warming as seriously as it should is the Northeast has generally benefitted: milder winters and milder summer. For instance, I was never able to wear tights from Memorial Day to Labor Day, but for the last 7+ years there have been days every summer during that period when that was not a “mad dogs and Englishmen” thing to do.