A waste incinerator plant is being proposed for Matraville, which could involve thousands of tonnes of ...
A Case Study Of Orica'S Botany Industrial - Pacific Rim Real Estate Society
www.prres.net › papers › Chan_Gr...
In unchecked, the toxic plume will bring disaster to marine life and cause health problems to human and ... Hillsdale, Matraville, Malabar, Chifley and shopping area of Maroubra Junction on the east side. The site has ...
Experiencing the toxic city: Effects of contamination and its remediation on individuals and communities in urban Australia - UNSW
health and safety risks associated with contamination (Edelstein, 2002; Kroll-Smith,. Couch, & Marshall, 1997). ... Matraville (residences west of Bunnerong Road only), Eastgardens and Pagewood. Surveying was ...
... remediation action plan b9 development 1891 botany road matraville nsw 2036 - Ororahttps://www.ororagroup.com › rem...
Coffey Geosciences Pty Ltd (2000) Proposed Botany Paper Mill, Matraville, NSW, ..... To evaluate the risk posed by potential groundwater contaminants to human health and the environment
Environmental issues and incidents - NSW EPA
https://www.epa.nsw.gov.au › environme...
North Botany Bay Industrial Precinct is home to a quarter of NSW's major hazardous facilities, including ... The EPA has released findings from noise monitoring conducted at Matraville (PDF, 58KB) ..
Transfer Terminal, NSW | Veolia Australia and New Zealand
https://www.veolia.com › transfer-stations
Veolia has developed a new general solid waste rail transfer facility at an existing industrial site in Banksmeadow, in Sydney's south. The development of this infrastructure is fundamental to the security and advancement ...
Residents concerned over waste odours at Banksmeadow waste transfer terminal | News Local - Daily Telegraph
https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au › new...
Matraville Precinct chair Carlos Da Rocha is worried the 500,000 tonnes of waste processed at the ... “It will have control measures similar to those used at Veolia's Clyde Transfer Terminal, which has ...
Port Botany Transfer Station, NSW | Veolia Australia and New Zealand
Port Botany Resources Recovery Centre. This site is located on Military Road, Matraville, NSW. The facility can process up to 200,000 tonnes of Class 2 waste per annum, currently receiving 100,000 tonnes per annum
~Council meeting wrap up: Tue 27 August - Randwick City Council
Concern over Matraville incinerator proposal
A proposal to build a commercial waste to energy facility at the Orora papermill in Matraville was met with concern by Councillors. The facility would burn up to 160,000 tonnes of waste a year to generate electricity to help power the papermill with excess electricity going into the grid. An application under State Significant Development is expected to be lodged with the Department of Planning for consideration. Should this happen, Council will make a submission and consider the community benefit, health impacts and additional truck movements.
The longtime residents are acutely aware of the incidence of asthma amongst children and find these proposals staggering
So burning municipal waste puts out in total more CO2 than burning coal, and the plastics alone put out almost as much as burning natural gas. Everybody is doing this, pretending it is low carbon by discounting the biomass. So who thinks this is clean, low carbon fuel?
There are articles like this one in Engineering and Technology, Smart plastic incineration posited as solution to global recycling crisis.
They interview a Dutch professor, Raymond Gradus, who claims that "incineration of low-grade plastic, if done appropriately, is not harmful and exhibits a viable economic and environmental solution to the current plastic disposition crisis."

Fight against incinerator site drags on for more than 12 years
Visy Industries began in 1948 with a 1000-pound loan from Richard Pratt's aunt, Ida Visbord, for whom the company is named. Originally, there were three partners – Visbord's husband Max Plotka, Richard Pratt's father Leon and engineer Les Feldman. From the day Visy opened for business in a Fitzroy, Melbourne factory there were indications this would be a company devoted to recycling and sustainability – the first corrugator it used was made from spare parts and recycled scrap metal.
What to Do with All This Broken Stuff? Cities Aim to Help People Fix It