— Willa Cather, My Ántonia
back to the office? Bring these plants with you.
Office plants can do wonders for health and wellbeing in the workplace, given how long many of us spend in unnatural indoor environments. Researcher Danica-Lea Larcombe explains why some species are better than others.
Office plants can do wonders for health and wellbeing in the workplace, given how long many of us spend in unnatural indoor environments. Researcher Danica-Lea Larcombe explains why some species are better than others.
Why 2017 Was the Best Year in Human History
“In a world of instant communication, we are constantly exposed to the latest cures for whatever ails us – the latest wonderdrugs. Most are costly and many come with dire risks and side effects. Yet sometimes age-old simple cures can work wonders too. Gardening is turning out to be one of the best drugs available for both body and mind. So, do you want to shed pounds, build muscles, look and feel great while having fun, save money and help out the planet? Do you want to be more resistant to disease and injuries? Here’s why science is proving gardening to be a top choice for illness prevention and healing.”

Source: Fix.com Blog

Source: Fix.com Blog
How Australian English Derives All Those Weird Nicknames And Slang Words
Dan Nosowitz (that would be Dazza to an Ozzie) explains what the sentence “I had an avo sammie in the arvo with my sparky mate Daz at the servo” actually means and why an Australian would formulate it that way.
A writer’s private preoccupations emerge in his writing. Take D.H. Lawrence and posteriors. They are “like hillocks of sand.” They are “globes.” They “thrust" Analogy of Forest Metaphors
170 Million in U.S. Drink Radioactive Tap Water. Trump Nominee Faked Data to Hide Cancer Risk EWG
This Is How We Do It is a children’s book by Matt Lamothe that follows the daily lives of seven real kids from different countries around the world (Japan, Peru, Iran, Russia, India, Italy, and Uganda).
In Japan Kei plays Freeze Tag, while in Uganda Daphine likes to jump rope. But while the way they play may differ, the shared rhythm of their days — and this one world we all share — unites them. This genuine exchange provides a window into traditions that may be different from our own as well as a mirror reflecting our common experiences.
Is there any argument whatsoever for having the pages of your books, rather than the title spines, facing outwards?
The Biodiversity Heritage Library maintains a huge trove of plant and animal drawings that they’ve put up on Flickr for free.
The Biodiversity Heritage Library maintains a huge trove of plant and animal drawings that they’ve put up on Flickr for free.
The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is a consortium of natural history and botanical libraries that cooperate to digitize the legacy literature of biodiversity held in their collections and to make that literature available for open access and responsible use as a part of a global “biodiversity commons.”
Over 110,000 images are available, organized into hundreds of albums. You could easily lose an entire afternoon in there.
P.S. While the Biodiversity Heritage Library doesn’t appear to be an official participant, Flickr’s The Commons project remains one of the under-appreciated gems of the Web.
Jia Tolentino on Amazon’s stores.
Californian man dies hiking Australia’s sweltering outback ReutersThe store’s biggest shortcoming, though, is that it is so clearly not intended for people who read regularly. I normally walk into a bookstore and shop the way a person might shop for clothes: I know what I like, what generally works for me, what new styles I might be ready to try. It was a strange feeling, on Thursday, to do laps around a bookstore without feeling a single unexpected thrill. There were no wild cards, no deep cuts, no oddballs — just books that were already best-sellers, pieces of clothing I knew wouldn’t fit me or that I already owned.