Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Twenty Nine (29) Years ago Today, the idea of the Bohemian Stranger and Media Dragon started to be formed and the Blogger.Com has made it possible Can a man who's warm understand one who's freezing inside Cold River?

Newsweekly’s last stand. Yes, the news magazines are in trouble in a digital age – all except The Economist. So why is it thriving?...
Media Weather Media Cloud is a system that lets you see the flow of the media. The Internet is fundamentally altering the way that news is produced and distributed, but there are few comprehensive approaches to understanding the nature of these changes. Media Cloud automatically builds an archive of news stories and blog posts from the web, applies language processing, and gives you ways to analyze and visualize the data. The system is still in early development, but we invite you to explore our current data and suggest research ideas. This is an open-source project, and we will be releasing all of the code soon. You can read more background on the project or just get started: Visualizations / What Are Your Research Ideas? / Keep Up-To-Date with Media Cloud. - Open Clouds

Interactive Clouds Mainstream Media Dragons Under Increasing Pressure
WSJ WSJ Interactive Map - Adverse events at top 100 newspapers, 2006-2009, this New York Times op-ed by Frank Rich - The American Press on Suicide Watch:

"Newspaper circulations and revenues are in free fall. Legendary brands from The Los Angeles Times to The Philadelphia Inquirer are teetering. The New York Times Company threatened to close The Boston Globe if its employees didn’t make substantial sacrifices in salaries and benefits. Other papers have died. The reporting ranks on network and local news alike are shriveling. You know it’s bad when the Senate is moved, as it was last week, to weigh in with hearings on The Future of Journalism. Financial Times: WSJ plans micro-fees for online articles - News Corp plans to introduce micro-payments for individual articles and premium subscriptions to the Wall Street Journal's website this year in a milestone in the news industry's race to find better online business models.

Media ; [The American Press on Suicide Watch: "Newspaper circulations and revenues are in free fall. Tibute; Circulation ]
• · The Guidelines on Recruitment Advertising have effect from 1 July 2009 and apply to all agencies subject to the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997. The guidelines govern a range of aspects of agencies' and departments' recruitment advertising in print media.
Internet: Guidelines on recruitment advertising; Isaiah Berlin disliked nature, linking love of the land with reactionary romanticism. People were his landscape...
• · Greed is good, up to a point. We must get straight on what capitalism offers the world, and know what its limits are. This means better knowing ourselves, says Fareed Zakaria... Greed is good ; Bitterness is so common and so deeply harmful that some psychiatrists are urging it be identified as a mental illness: post-traumatic embitterment disorder ... Bitterness

PS: Michael Jackson has been everywhere. Horror Happenings even did three separate articles on his monster connections, which most of us knew already from "Thriller." Funeral on 7/7 ; Google ;
Michael Jackson tribute on Monsterland web-blog