Monday, June 06, 2005

Make big plans, for little plans have no magic to stir men's blood and in themselves may never be realised.
-Daniel H. Burnham Lord Sydney knew all about the magic of dreaming in biblical proportions

Lofty aspirations turned into reality will serve city well The world of mirrors and the world of humans are not separated

Eye on Politics & Law Lords: It's History That's Bringing Giants like Lord Townshend Together Is Someone Reading History Over Your Shoulder?
Move from austere Czechoslovakia to this blood-thirsty city of Sydney and it's hard to escape the conclusion that the idea of English history is and always has been exciting. My heart should sing as history is more alive after you give blood, as I did today for the 13th time in Sydney; Indeed, at the Chiefly Tower/Square history is more present when you discuss with your former chairman, Andrew Tink, the future of his manuscript which aim to resurrect historical characters like Lord Sydney aka Lord Townshend...

Adam Smith, the founder of classical economics, was certain that humankind's knack for monetary exchange belonged to humankind alone. Townshend became a very significant political figure during the 1780s, playing a key role in the emergence of the United States and the beginnings of Australia and Canada. In recognition of his pivotal role in helping formalise the peace treaty with America following the Revolution, Townshend was made Baron Sydney in 1783. The name Sydney derives from Normandy and in Old English meant 'dweller of the wide well-watered land' - not a bad description of the city today.

Repeating Benjamin Franklin's famous quote at the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately ...
• King George and Lord Townshend decided that the best way to get money was to tax the citizens ... Tea Taxes [At the SWF, Tony Kevin showed how little opinion Tony had about Paul Kelly who ironically writes about Living among giants ; Why Did the French and Dutch Vote No? ]
• · Victor Comras, Washington Post Following Terrorists' Money ; Andrew Bartlett Taxing Times Coming Up in the Senate
• · · A look at the decade-long money laundering investigation of Raul Salinas Unsettling accounts ; Welcome to life after the housing boom
• · · · The greatest pleasure of running a country (although no politician will admit it) is getting to tax people Here's a Tax We Can All Agree On ; Yossi Beilin Let's just dump that road map
• · · · · Isabel Hilton, The Guardian Chinese Must Tell the Truth About Tiananmen ; Mikhail Khodorkovsky and his partner, Platon Lebedev The Soviet Spirit Lives On ; The problem for the government is that if this were back in the old Cold War days, and a person had fled from the communist embassy, we would have welcomed the person with open arms as we did with the Petrov scandal 40 years ago. But now, of course, China is a major trading ally for Australia and we don't want to do anything that's going to be offending China in terms of its trade policies Chinese diplomat wants to defect ; Australia left me out to dry, says defector
• · · · · · Steve Forbes, Forbes Why the Tax Code Beast Must Be Killed ; A Supreme Court decision on Tuesday overturned the 2002 criminal conviction of former Enron accounting firm Arthur Andersen Accounting for an Injustice; Accounting for SIEV-X